Further Trials to Extend the Storage Life of Cod and Mackerel using Sodium Hypochlorite or Ozone — Seafish

Further Trials to Extend the Storage Life of Cod and Mackerel using Sodium Hypochlorite or Ozone

This report details a series of laboratory trials which follow on from initial work reported in SR498. Trials were carried out to determine the effect of sodium hypochlorite and ozone on the quality of cod and mackerel in refrigerated seawater (RSW). In addition, trials were carried out to determine the effect of ozone on boxed and iced fish, held in a gas flushed hold or chill store. The rate at which ozone naturally decayed to a safe level was also determined, along with the effectiveness of ozone as a surface disinfectant. A trial was also carried out to determine the level of ozone in the hold of a fishing vessel fitted with an ozone generator, during a fishing trip.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 March 1997


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