SR688 The velvet swimming crab (Necora puber) fishery in Northern Ireland: a study of populations and welfare to enhance sustainability — Seafish

SR688 The velvet swimming crab (Necora puber) fishery in Northern Ireland: a study of populations and welfare to enhance sustainability

Velvet swimming crabs are traditionally consumed by southern European nations where crab fisheries have collapsed - this has enabled development of the velvet crab fishery in Northern Ireland as a commercially significant sector. There exists, however, virtually no data on which to base the sustainable exploitation of this fishery. This research will pursue studies of populations and individuals of the velvet crab to provide critical information to inform and guide policy in this important fishing industry in Northern Ireland, and will potentially develop local economies and jobs. We will: (1) conduct field surveys of abundance and population structure of velvet crab; (2) assess effects of fishing methods and by-catch on sustainability; (3) examine the welfare of individuals with physiological measures to enhance survivorship and welfare during transportation, thus improving meat yield and quality.
Publication date
01 September 2015


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