Alternative Marine Conservation Zones in Irish Sea mud habitat: potential for fisheries displacement and an assessment of habitat condition and potential management scenarios. — Seafish

Alternative Marine Conservation Zones in Irish Sea mud habitat: potential for fisheries displacement and an assessment of habitat condition and potential management scenarios.

Areas of potential alternative Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) sites representing mud habitat within the UK Irish Sea regional sea were selected at a stakeholder engagement meeting in October 2014. In order to assess the suitability of these sites within the Irish Sea regional area, existing data were examined to assess habitat condition, variation and how well these meet the mud habitat criteria set by the UK government. Nephrops stock assessment video surveys were utilised along with grab sample data, across both eastern and western Irish Sea areas. Macroinvertebrate community analysis was undertaken on the grab infaunal data, along with analysis of sediment parameters. The level of disturbance was also examined through benthic community assessment relating to successional stage.
Publication date
01 September 2015


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