Starting an aquaculture business | Seafish

Starting an aquaculture business

Choosing the correct species and sites are some of the most crucial decisions a culturist must make.

Choosing the correct species and sites are some of the most crucial decisions a culturist must make.

Not every species has proven easy to adapt for farming, as the suitabilty can depend on a number of factors. These include market price, cost of production, site location, access to a cheap and reliable source of seed, species selection, growth rate, physiological robustness and resistance to disease.

All culture operations in the UK have to conform to strict controls including an environmental impact assessment prior to start up or if a significant change to operations is envisaged. It is important to identify locations and methodologies of culture that are acceptable to the local and regional area.

We offer advice, guidance and resources to ensure that culturists make informed decisions when choosing species and sites:

Choosing a site

Selecting a species