Selecting a species | Seafish

Selecting a species

Choosing which species of fish or shellfish to rear is a difficult decision for any culturist.

We have prepared guidance notes and electronic encyclopaedias about a range of bivalves and finfish in order to assist culturists in making this important choice. Below is a list of seafood species with biological information and resources for each - simply click on the name of the species you would like to read more about.

Bivalve harvesting and purification

Species profile: Oysters

Species profile: seabed mussels

Species profile: clams

Species profile: scallops


  • Lobsters and Crabs, The most widely available edible crab species is the brown crab, Cancer pagurus, which is one of the UK's most valuable seafood products. Two closely-related lobster species are available in the UK - the European lobster, Homarus gammarus, and the imported American lobster, Homarus americanus.

Species profile: lobsters and crabs


For more about rearing finfish, please see our finfish guidance notes.

  • Salmon, a very popular species of fish with UK consumers, is supported by the SSPO - Scottish Salmon Producers' Organisation.
  • The UK trout farm industry  is represented by the British Trout Association, who offer research, promotional materials and legislative information about trout in the UK.
  • Turbot and Halibut are cultivated in the UK in a similar way to salmon. More information can be found from the British Marine Finfish Association.
  • Cod cultivation is in its infancy in the UK. The cost of producing cod in farms is greater than that of catching cod in the wild, and this limits the scope for farming presently. However, there is a niche market for sustainable farmed cod.

Species profile: turbot and halibut

Species profile: cod