Fishing gear technology and innovation
UK Gear Forum
The UK Gear Forum brings together industry, researchers and government to discuss and advance gear innovations to drive sustainability in commercial fishing. It aims to facilitate discussion, develop and deliver initiatives to advance sustainability through the lens of selective gear innovations. You can find out more about the Forum from the link below.

Selective gear technology for fishing
We work with the fishing industry in the UK to develop selective gear technologies that improve the sustainability of fishing through the deployment of mobile and static gears. We have a rich heritage on both selective gear innovations and training, and offer a go-to resource for industry. This includes reports and reviews on trials, as well as tools to assess the financial performance of fishing gear and links to further information. Follow the link below to find out more.

Fishing Gear Database
Our online Fishing Gear Database provides a comprehensive ‘one-stop shop’ covering the main gears used across the UK, as well as in many fisheries worldwide. Information is provided in a standardised format and the database is searchable. For each gear type, a description and detailed pictures are provided, together with trial reports where available. Details of the most commonly used selective devices employed are also included within the database. Follow the link below to the database.

Types of Fishing Gear
Different kinds of gear have evolved to target particular species or groups of species. We have produced guidance on commonly used fishing gear. This includes a brief overview of the main types of fishing gear and choosing the right gear for the job. You can also download a copy of our basic fishing methods handbook. Follow the link below to find out more and access resources.

Fisheries Management and Innovation Group
The Fisheries Management and Innovation Group brings together stakeholders to discuss and share knowledge on catching sector issues. The three key areas for discussion are: legislation and regulation, stock assessment issues and how to introduce new technology. Follow the link below to find out more about the group.