Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme | Seafish

Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme

The Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme (RFPS) certifies responsible UK fishing ports and harbours. It is now open to ports of all sizes.

Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme logo - text wraps outside circluar illustration of boxes being lifted between boat and pier

About the RFPS

The RFPS is a voluntary and independently audited certification scheme. The scheme helps to promote and encourage responsible operating practices within UK fishing ports and harbours of all sizes. Certification provides assurance to buyers and sellers of seafood that ports are acting in a responsible manner.

At its core, the RFPS has a standard which forms the basis for certification decisions. Fishing ports are assessed and must show compliance against the following core principles in the standard:

  • food safety and structural integrity
  • port and the working environment
  • care for the environment
  • care of the catch
  • traceability

Certification of fishing ports with sales facilities

The RFPS is now open for applications from fishing ports of all sizes. Ports without certain facilities will be assessed on what infrastructure is present, and not downgraded for facilities that are absent, (for example sales facilities).

For more information on assessment criteria and how to apply you can download the documents below:

You can also visit our applying for RFPS certification page for a step by step guide on the application process.

Development of the RFPS

The RFPS was initially created at the request of the UK industry. It exists because of an increasing demand for transparency and assurance across the seafood supply chain, reflecting demands on the wider food industry. Our board is the standard holder. 

The RFPS has been further developed with significant input from the wider industry. The formal development of the RFPS began in January 2017 with the formation of a multi-stakeholder Oversight Board. They took on the task of agreeing the overall strategic direction and objectives for the scheme. Following the development process, the scheme for fishing ports with a sales facility was officially launched in 2018.

We have now completed work on developing standard suitable for all fishing ports. All types of fishing ports can now apply for certification. The standard criteria are the same for all ports, but will only be applied if they relate to activities carried out at the port.

Throughout the RFPS development a fully transparent and robust governance structure has been adopted. Visit our RFPS Governance Structure webpage for further information.

Get in touch

All applications should be made to Lloyds Register. The RFPS co-ordinator is Gillian Irvine. She can be contacted on:

To find out more about them visit the Lloyd's Register website.

If you're looking for more information about future developments of the Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme, email