Seafish work on social responsibility | Seafish

Seafish work on social responsibility

Seafish works proactively to improve supply chain integrity across the seafood sector and has a number of key work areas.

Since 2014 Seafish has worked proactively to improve supply chain integrity across the seafood supply chain and has introduced a number of work areas to help the seafood industry address issues relating to labour and worker welfare.

These work programmes include:

Developing Tools for Ethical Seafood Sourcing (TESS) to signpost stakeholders to resources to help manage and reduce risks associated with labour issues and worker welfare in seafood supply chains. Seafish activities are mapped against a six step process.

Established the Seafood Ethics Common Language Group (SECLG) to bring industry and other stakeholders together to collaboratively understand how ethical issues can be addressed across the supply chain.

Produced 15 profiles identifying social risks in regions supplying the UK market. These profiles were aimed at informing purchasing decisions in seafood businesses.

Raised industry awareness of ethical issues and supporting seafood businesses to comply with UK Modern Slavery legislation.

Developed and implemented the voluntary Seafish Responsible Fishing Scheme (RFS) certifying high standards of crew welfare and responsible catching practices on fishing vessels.

Worked with the supply chain to develop the voluntary Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme which includes worker welfare.

Produced and disseminated briefings to improve knowledge of the issues and inform key stakeholders about the latest initiatives

Looking ahead

Looking ahead, Seafish’s primary focus is to provide the seafood supply chain with information and guidance, and to support the existing schemes and initiatives that have been developed. In addition Seafish will help the supply chain understand the landscape of risk assessment tools, provide updates on key issues affecting the supply chain and support other initiatives working in this space.

Further info

Explore our Social Responsibility in Seafood section.