Tools for Ethical Seafood Sourcing | Seafish

Tools for Ethical Seafood Sourcing

Tools for Ethical Seafood Sourcing (TESS) is a one-stop-shop signposting users to numerous online resources and initiatives that support socially responsible business practices.

There are many different sources of information available on ethical concerns in the seafood supply chain, from identifying issues through to international standards and 'on the ground' initiatives working to address them. It can be challenging for seafood businesses to understand this complex landscape and how to identify issues and make improvements.

TESS is aimed at seafood businesses who want to understand social responsibility and 'what to do' to address any issues in their supply chain. It is a 'signposting' tool providing a gateway to the wide range of helpful resources that Seafish is aware of. These sources are free to use and can help buyers manage their supply chain and make more informed decisions, addressing the risks they face when sourcing seafood. For more detailed information on TESS see our fact sheet

There are three main sections to the TESS database:

More about the issues

This provides an overview of the issues facing the seafood sector and why it is important for businesses to tackle these issues. Also included is a 'recommended reading' section, providing details and links to publications that provide more detail around the issues and why they are so important.

Step by step approach

This section of the site provides a six step process for businesses to follow to tackle social issues in global supply chains. For each step, there is a further explanation of the specific action to take. Also included is a list of resources, specifically tailored to each step, to provide additional help and support.

Search facility

Site users can type any search term into the TESS database search and it will generate relevant results. The site has been populated with content that we have identified as useful including information, initiatives, standards, organisations and other resources to help support businesses in tackling social issues. These can be filtered by region, sector and type of record to enable results to be tailored to individual requirements. The results generated are based only on content available in TESS. All the information is publicly available on external websites, so you are taken to the source of the information.

If you have any questions or comments on TESS please contact the TESS helpdesk