Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) | Seafish

Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI)

Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI)
The ETI is a leading alliance of companies, trade unions and NGOs that promotes respect for workers’ rights around the globe.

The ETI has been engaging with members and partners to better understand these issues and identify opportunities for driving change. Since last year, ETI has been working with the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Thailand to catalyse the international community’s coordinated action to engage with the Thai government and other Thai institutions. A key focus has been to clarify the role of each player in driving improvements in working conditions.

ETI offers a range of services (see links below):

  • Bespoke training
  • Human rights due diligence framework. A guide for companies to help them prevent and manage labour rights risks, and understand why engagement, negotiation and collaboration is the only way to succeed.
  • ETI publication: Corporate Approaches to Addressing Modern Slavery in Supply Chains: A Snapshot of Current Practice. See link below.
  • ETI publication: Addressing barriers to decent work: company guide on responsible purchasing practices informed by global supplier survey. 
  • ETI manuals including: Child labour manual with tools, tips and techniques for reducing and mitigating child labour risk in four stages; and modern slavery manual advises companies negotiating with suppliers to set clear red lines that are consistent with the highest international standards. 
  • ETI Modern Slavery Statements: A Framework for Evaluation. March 2020. The framework is a structured guide to writing or improving your Modern Slavery Statement, as well as a tool to assess the quality of published statements and identify strengths and weaknesses and a best practice standard to measure statements against. 

Significance for seafood businesses: 

Not seafood-specific. There are a number of organisations that offer practical business support to help manage socially responsible business practices. There are also various tools and guidance notes available which are free to use which will help buyers manage their supply chain and make a more informed judgement on the risks they face when sourcing seafood.


Links closely with the International Labour Organization and Anti-Slavery International.

Find out more

To find out more click on the links below. Please note you will be taken to an external website.

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