Fishers’ Rights Network (FRN) | Seafish

Fishers’ Rights Network (FRN)

International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)
The FRN has been launched in Thailand to combat the abuse and exploitation of fishermen, most of whom are Cambodian and Myanmar migrants.

A newly created independent network has been launched in Thailand to combat the abuse and exploitation of fishermen, most of whom are Cambodian and Myanmar migrants. The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), has launched the Fishers’ Rights Network (FRN) with the support of 37 unions and federations in the region, the US, the UK and Australia.

The FRN is demanding an increase in wages and improvements to the working conditions of all fishermen in the Thai fishing industry. It is also seeking “the elimination of passport, pink card, work permit, agent, broker and recruitment fees”.

Significance for seafood businesses: 

Specifically covers fishers. Useful for awareness as an organisation working to support the industry, and improve governance, safety and welfare within the global seafood industry.

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