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A range of information about global FIPs from a quick snapshot of progress and opportunities to get involved to detailed evidence for improvements.

A Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) uses the power of the private sector to address challenges in a fishery. As the number of FIPs around the world has grown rapidly, businesses and conservation organizations need an easier way to access consistent, reliable information about FIP progress. This website provides a range of information about global FIPs from a quick snapshot of progress and opportunities to get involved to detailed evidence for improvements.

Human Rights and Social Responsibility Policy
The FisheryProgress Human Rights and Social Responsibility Policy was developed over the course of 18 months from 2019 to 2021 through a rigorous stakeholder consultation process and with the oversight of the FisheryProgress Social Advisory Committee. The objective of the policy is to help FIPs reduce the risk of human and labour rights abuses and to provide a common framework for reporting on social performance in fisheries. It launched in May 2021. All FIPs reporting on are required to comply with the policy.

This is linked to a Social Policy Assessment Tool. This is useful as a diagnostic or rapid assessment tool – to assess risk of social issues, to identify areas in need of improvement, and to inform the development of a Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) work plan that includes a social element.

Significance for seafood businesses: 

Sourcing seafood that is accredited to a standard that has a social component provides reassurance that the seafood you are purchasing has been independently verified concerning social issues.

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