Fishing & Living initiative | Seafish

Fishing & Living initiative

Anova Food
This initiative promotes sustainable fisheries through improved fishing practices and enhanced living conditions for fishing communities.

Examples of companies improving the social aspects of seafood supply chains include the Fishing & Living™ program (a collaboration between Anova Food LLC, USAID, WWF, many levels of government, and others) which strives to: 1) promote sustainable fisheries through improved fishing practices and 2) provide enhanced living conditions for the communities engaged in the industry.

This is region-specific. Fishing & Living is active in various locations where tuna fisheries are in need of improvements and where local communities need support to enhance their living conditions and directly benefit from their fishing activities.

Significance for seafood businesses: 

Collaborative, industry-wide, pre-competitive initiatives can help to identify problems and share the cost of developing and implementing solutions. These provide opportunities to share knowledge and insight, learn from others, build your own knowledge, share best practice, and network with others in the same situation.

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