ILO Programme. Indicators of forced labour | Seafish

ILO Programme. Indicators of forced labour

International Labour Organization
The ILO Indicators of forced labour are to help anyone involved in enforcement identify persons possibly trapped in a forced labour situation.

The ILO Special Action Programme to Combat Forced Labour Indicators of forced labour are intended to help anyone involved in enforcement identify persons who are possibly trapped in a forced labour situation, and who may require urgent assistance.

The International Labour Organization is a specialist agency of the United Nations (UN). The ILO Special Action Programme to Combat Forced Labour 11 Indicators of Forced Labour are intended to help ‘front-line’ criminal law enforcement officials, labour inspectors, trade union officers, NGO workers and others to identify persons who are possibly trapped in a forced labour situation, and who may require urgent assistance. The indicators represent the most common signs or ‘clues’ that point to the possible existence of a forced labour case. The indicators are: Abuse of vulnerability; Deception; Restriction of movement; Isolation; Physical and sexual violence; Intimidation and threats; Retention of identity documents; Withholding of wages; Debt bondage; Abusive working and living conditions; Excessive overtime.

Significance for seafood businesses: 

These are general principles (not seafood specific) to help enforcement  agencies identify persons who are possibly trapped in a forced labour situation.

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