Modern Slavery Index 2017 (MSI) | Seafish

Modern Slavery Index 2017 (MSI)

Verisk Maplecroft
The Modern Slavery Index 2017 (MSI) assessed the risk to business of exposure to practices of slavery, servitude, trafficking in persons and forced labour. This study was produced by global risk consultancy Verisk Maplecroft.

The index is specifically designed to help companies identify where the risk of modern slavery is greatest across their business and supply chain in order to better protect workers and comply with new and emerging legislation. The MSI forms part of Verisk Maplecroft’s Human Rights Data Set, which features 31 risk indices covering civil and political rights, labour rights, human security, remedy, and development issues. The UK also moved from the low risk category to the medium risk category. The 2017 Index show modern slavery risks have risen in nearly three quarters of the 28 EU Member States (20 EU countries) over the last year.

Significance for seafood businesses:

This is one of the reports that are published on an annual basis which monitor human rights abuses. This will help buyers assess their supply chain and make an informed judgement on the risks they face when sourcing seafood.

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