Roadmap for Improving Seafood Ethics (RISE) | Seafish

Roadmap for Improving Seafood Ethics (RISE)

Roadmap for Improving Seafood Ethics (RISE) is a free online platform that consolidates supportive resources and guidance.

FishWise launched the Roadmap for Improving Seafood Ethics (RISE) website in March 2019. This online resource aims to streamline guidance and actionable steps seafood companies can take to understand the labour conditions throughout their supply chains. The platform, which was developed in partnership with the seafood industry and leading conservation and human rights experts, also aids companies in making improvements to protect workers and to mitigate their own regulatory and reputational risks. RISE helps businesses to: Evaluate their supply chain risks; Understand and improve labour practices; Engage workers and make improvements that matter; and communicate about their policies, expectations, and progress.

RISE was updated in May 2021. It helps companies navigate human and labour rights challenges, and create the conditions for decent work across seafood supply chains. RISE offers businesses a free one-stop-shop to: learn about human rights risks; find easy-to-use guidance tailored to their operations; and identify organisations that can support them. 

Significance for seafood businesses: 

Seafood-specific with a whole host of resources including providing guidance to businesses on which seafood to purchase. Useful for awareness as an organisation working to support the industry, and improve governance, safety and welfare within the global seafood industry. There are various tools and guidance notes available which are free to use which will help buyers manage their supply chain and make a more informed judgement on the risks they face when sourcing seafood.

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