Seafish briefing notes | Seafish

Seafish briefing notes

There are a number of Seafish briefing notes.

Working on UK fishing vessels: the legal framework and support for fishers. November 2017.

This provides a summary of all the key UK and global legislation that is helping now, or will help in the future, to ensure fishers have minimum standards and decent conditions of work on board fishing vessels.

International Labour Organization (ILO) Work in Fishing Convention 188. What it means for the UK fishing industry and those operating in UK waters. July 2019.

This Seafish briefing note provides an overview of what is covered by the new legislation and what changes this will bring about. The new legislative requirements have been split into those covering health and safety and those covering working conditions. There is also guidance on where to look for further information.

Seafish analysis of Global Slavery Index 2018 fishing risk indicators by country. August 2019.

In 2018 the Walk Free Foundation, together with researchers from the Sea Around Us, at the University of Western Australia and the University of British Columbia, produced an analysis of trade flows and data on risk factors in the fishing industry, and the prevalence of forced labour. They have determined a set of risk factors that are associated with modern slavery in fisheries at a global level. In the absence of local reporting, these risk factors enable the identification of likely areas of national risk. This Seafish briefing is a quick summary of the salient points of the Index.

Background briefing on fishery observers (November 2020)

This literature review looks at the role of a fishery observer and the rules governing fisheries observer programmes; the issues being raised; the most recent prominent cases; the repeated calls for reform; and the current situation in 2020 and the impact of COVID-19.

Significance for seafood businesses: 

Seafood-specific with a whole host of resources including providing guidance to businesses on which seafood to purchase. Useful for awareness as an organisation working to support the industry, and improve governance, safety and welfare within the global seafood industry. There are various tools and guidance notes available which are free to use which will help buyers manage their supply chain and make a more informed judgement on the risks they face when sourcing seafood.

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