Seafish Guidance on writing a Modern Slavery Statement | Seafish

Seafish Guidance on writing a Modern Slavery Statement

Seafish Guidance on writing a seafood-specific Modern Slavery Statement

Seafish ran a workshop on 10 March 2016 to help seafood companies understand the wording of the legislation, but also the practical steps which companies in the seafood sector should take to consider the appropriate levels of risk assessment, and action, that they should put in place to address potential modern slavery issues, both in their supply chain and their direct operations. A Seafish guidance note has been produced to provide more specific information about how companies in the seafood sector might think about the content of their statement.

Significance for seafood businesses:

Seafood-specific. There are a number of organisations that offer practical business support to help manage socially responsible business practices. There are also various tools and guidance notes available which are free to use which will help buyers manage their supply chain and make a more informed judgement on the risks they face when sourcing seafood. This is specifically to help with writing a Modern Slavery statement.

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