Seafood Ethics Action (SEA) Alliance | Seafish

Seafood Ethics Action (SEA) Alliance

Seafood Ethics Action (SEA) Alliance
The Seafood Ethics Action Alliance provides a platform for businesses to work together to share information on emerging issues and agree solutions.

The Seafood Ethics Action Alliance (SEA Alliance) has been established by seafood businesses. It provides a platform for industry to agree best practice solutions, to respond to ethical issues in the supply chain and to enable pre-competitive action. It does this via meetings, information sharing between members, and where needed, the creation of working groups to work together on the required actions.

This work reflects the PAS 1550:2017 Code of Practice on Exercising due diligence in establishing the legal origin of seafood products and marine ingredients. It also takes into account the BRC IUU Advisory Note (2015), together with meaningful implementation of the ILO 188 Work in Fishing Convention and other appropriate instruments.

The SEA Alliance has recently been awarded (May 2021) a grant from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation to support our work to increase industry leadership and encourage positive change in human rights issues across the seafood supply chains of UK companies. This is a time of change for seafood companies in the UK, so this funding arrives at a very opportune time, and is a fantastic opportunity for all of us. This funding creates an opportunity for the SEA Alliance to support participating businesses to better understand human rights risks in fisheries. We are keen for all of us to benefit from this.

SEA Alliance activities build on the work of the Seafood Ethics Common Language Group.

Significance for seafood businesses:

The SEA Alliance is a unique multi-stakeholder alliance consisting of UK retailers and supply chain companies. Collaborative, industry-wide, pre-competitive initiatives can help to identify problems and share the cost of developing and implementing solutions. These provide opportunities to share knowledge and insight, learn from others, build your own knowledge, share best practice, and network with others in the same situation.

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