Seafood Ethics Common Language Group | Seafish

Seafood Ethics Common Language Group

Seafish facilitates a Seafood Ethics Common Language Group to establish a common understanding of ethical issues and agree on future action.

The Seafood Ethics CLG demonstrates an integrated, interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to address ethical and social issues relating to responsible seafood production. The industry needs to collaborate to consolidate messages and activities if ethical issues across the supply chain are to be addressed. Seafish manages this group to foster open and honest dialogue. The group convenes seafood stakeholders including major supermarket chains, smaller retailers, processors and suppliers throughout the whole supply chain, with government, NGOs, development organisations and charities in a ‘safe’ environment for discussion and debate to establish a common understanding of the issues, to communicate the work currently going on to address them and agree future actions.

Significance for seafood businesses:

Although the group is based and meets in the UK, communication is international. Collaborative, industry-wide, pre-competitive initiatives can help to identify problems and share the cost of developing and implementing solutions. These provide opportunities to share knowledge and insight, learn from others, build your own knowledge, share best practice, and network with others in the same situation.

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