Stronger Together Toolkit for tackling modern slavery in global supply chains. Step 2. Assess. | Seafish

Stronger Together Toolkit for tackling modern slavery in global supply chains. Step 2. Assess.

Stronger Together
Stronger Together Toolkit for tackling modern slavery in global supply chains. Step 2. Assess. Pages 19 – 20.

Stronger Together is a multi-stakeholder initiative aiming to reduce human trafficking, forced labour and other hidden third party exploitation of workers. Stronger Together provides guidance, resources and a network for employers, labour providers, workers and their representatives to work together to reduce exploitation. Their toolkit for tackling modern slavery in global supply chains provides guidance and good practice for responsible businesses to develop a robust strategy to prevent, uncover and report modern slavery. This outlines a strategic framework of six practical steps for businesses to take. Step 2 is for businesses to assess the risk of modern slavery in their supply chain.

Significance for seafood businesses: 

These are general principles (not seafood specific) but very useful for seafood businesses.

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