Sustainable Fisheries Partnership | Seafish

Sustainable Fisheries Partnership

Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP)
A business-focused NGO working to create information tools and methodology to allow companies to directly engage with seafood suppliers.

SFP operates through two main principles: information and improvement. SFP has created a database of fisheries profiles which contains assessments of sustainability and improvement needs called FishSource. SFP helps seafood companies engage with fisheries by creating FIPs to work together with multi-stakeholder groups for the creation and implementation of improvement plans.

The Seafood Slavery Risk Tool, a web-based tool to help businesses assess the potential risk of forced labour, human trafficking, and hazardous child labour in fisheries has been developed by the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Liberty Asia and the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership. It produces a rating indicating the likelihood that human rights violations are occurring on fishing boats in a specific fishery.

Significance for seafood businesses: 

Seafood-specific with a whole host of resources including providing guidance to businesses on which seafood to purchase. Useful for awareness as an organisation working to support the industry, and improve governance, safety and welfare within the global seafood industry. There are various tools and guidance notes available which are free to use which will help buyers manage their supply chain and make a more informed judgement on the risks they face when sourcing seafood.

Find out more 

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