Finfish Advisory Group
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The FiAG focuses on contributing to national-level strategic management of the UK finfish non-quote species fisheries. This includes lemon sole, turbot, bass, brill, pilchards, red mullet, gurnards, john dory and others.
The group serves as a point of contact for all matters relating to the UK’s non-quota finfish species. It provides a platform to bring together members of the finfish catching sector and the wider supply chain with government and the research community. Members work together to improve the sustainable management of these commercially important fisheries by engaging on national level fisheries management issues.
The diagram below shows how the FiAG contributes to management of UK finfish fisheries through priority issue groups and by supporting Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) sub groups.

The FiAG has an open membership policy welcoming representatives from:
- Active fishers
- Fishermen’s Associations
- Producer Organisations
- Processors
- Researchers
- Regulators
The FiAG is chaired by Harry Owen, PO Manager, The Western Fish Producers’ Organisation.
We provide secretariat support for the group. We are also supporting the development of a work programme for the first year of the FiAG’s set up and are undertaking work on specific actions arising through that programme.
Industry are encouraged to register interest in joining or engaging with the FiAG. If you are interested in becoming a member of FiAG, or engaging with the group on matters related to sustainable management of finfish fisheries, please get in touch by the details below.
The FiAG directly linked to Future of Our Inshore fisheries (FOIF). It’s an industry-led project which kicked-off with a conference in 2019. The long-term aim of FOIF is to transform how inshore fisheries are managed.
Further information about FOIF is available from the link below:

The FiAG meets on a quarterly basis. Follow the links below to view published meeting minutes.
Finfish Advisory Group (FiAG) Meeting Minutes - September 2024
Finfish Advisory Group (FiAG) Meeting Minutes - July 2024
Finfish Advisory Group (FiAG) Meeting Minutes - May 2024
Finfish Advisory Group (FiAG) Meeting Minutes - December 2023
Finfish Advisory Group (FiAG) Meeting Minutes - September 2023
Finfish Advisory Group (FiAG) Meeting Minutes - May 2023
Finfish Advisory Group (FiAG) Meeting Minutes - February 2023
For further information about the Finfish Industry Advisory Group please contact: