North Western Waters | Seafish

North Western Waters

The landing obligation was introduced in fisheries of interest to the UK fleet in North Western Waters from 2015 onwards, and is being introduced for all fisheries covered by the Common Fisheries Policy by 2019. When the landing obligation is fully implemented from 1 January 2019, skippers will be obliged to land all commercial quota species they catch.

The first stage of this was introduced from 1 January 2015, when the pelagic and industrial fisheries fell under the landing obligation.

The demersal landing obligation was introduced in fisheries of interest to the UK fleet in North Western Waters from 1 January 2016. It will impact all fisheries covered by the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) by 2019. Because the regulation relates to fisheries rather than species, this means that during the transition phase (2016 to 2018) there will be some species that can be discarded by some vessels but not by others, in the same sea area. Member States that were members of the North Western Waters Sea Advisory Council drew up Discard Plans for which species will need to be landed by which vessels in North Western Waters.

New guidance for 2019 is being included as it is published. Please note links to new MMO gear selectivity fact sheets at the bottom of the page, as well as specific guidance for dealing with choke scenarios under the landing obligation.

Discard Atlases:

Discard Plans for North Western Waters for 2019

For more information and general guidance at EU and regional level

The Devolved Administrations in the UK have all published guidance at a UK level on what is included and when.

Guidance for North Western waters pelagic species

Guidance for North Western waters demersal species

MMO gear selectivity guidance for North Western waters fisheries in 2019
The Marine Management Organisation has produced specific gear selectivity guidance for North Western Waters in the form of fact sheets.