Bivalve Shellfish Safety Training Courses | Seafish

Bivalve Shellfish Safety Training Courses

Ensuring safer shellfish by supporting the training of seafood purification staff and Environmental Health Officers (EHOs).

The classification of a shellfish production area determines the treatment required before live bivalve molluscs may be sold for food. 

Bivalve shellfish purification (also known as ‘depuration’) relates to the use of a controlled, aquatic environment to reduce low-level contamination by bacteria in live bivalves to a safe, acceptable level for people to eat. Purification is a natural biological process whereby bivalve shellfish purge themselves by filtering sterilised seawater.

Our Approved Training Providers offer four training courses on bivalve purification for a range of experience levels. 

Fisherman holding a handful of mussels
Bivalve shellfish usually require purification before they are sold

Bivalve Shellfish Training Courses

Find out more on our bivalve shellfish training courses by following the links below.