Fish Smoking Training Courses | Seafish

Fish Smoking Training Courses

Smoking seafood is a way of giving it a unique taste and flavour. We support fish smoking training courses.

The Principles of Fish Smoking training course is a one day training programme delivered remotely using zoom.

Our practical training is delivered using AFOS Microklins.

The Microkiln is the smallest of the AFOS range, and as an upright, simple mechanical smoking kiln. It is ideal for our training purposes. 

Several of these kilns are in place with training centres in Scotland and Wales, and with AFOS in England.  

We expect to resume some delivery of face to face training and practical coaching during 2025.

A close up on a smoked fillet being examined
Trainees examine a newly smoked fillet.

Find out more on our fish smoking courses by following the links below.