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We found 12 results for "Seafood Consumption 2016 update" in Documents
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    Seafood Consumption (2024 Update)

    Total UK seafood consumption stood at 144.55g /person/wk. down -7.7%. This equates to just over one, 140g portion per person per week. This means most people are still only eating around half of the recommended amount of seafood.
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    Seafood Consumption (2023 update)

    Defra Seafood consumption benchmark falls -3.9%.
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    Chilled Seafood in Multiple Retail (2023)

    Salmon continues to dominate the chilled seafood sector, increasing its value share of the top ten chilled species to 48.7% (+0.9pp), selling around four times its nearest competitor, warm water prawns.
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    Japan Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in Japan.
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    Australia Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in Australia.
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    Canada Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in Canada.
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    Singapore Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in Singapore.
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    China Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in China.
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    Vietnam Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in Vietnam.
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    South Korea Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in South Korea.
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    Quay Issues: Issue 9

    Quay Issues is a magazine for the fishing industry. This edition of Quay Issues shines a light on the way in which some businesses are rising to the challenges that the sector faces.
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    Literature Review of the effects of underwater sound vibration and electromagnetic fields on crustaceans

    This report reviews the impacts of underwater noise, vibration, and electro-magnetic fields generated by marine renewable energy devices on the behaviour, development and physiology of UK commercial crustacean species.