Documents | Seafish

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    English Aquaculture Strategy - key highlights

    Part of the Seafood 2040 strategy for aquaculture in England - this document gives a brief overview of key strategic principles and objectives.
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    English Aquaculture Strategy - summary

    Part of the Seafood 2040 aquaculture strategy for England - this summary document sets the scene, highlighting the opportunities and growth aspirations alongside a plan for delivery.
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    Review of the application of the Official Control Regulations for shellfish

    The Shellfish Stakeholder Working Group (SSWG) commissioned Seafish to undertake a review of the application of the Official Control Regulations that apply to live bivalve production in EU Member States, with a focus on the microbial requirements.
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    English Aquaculture Strategy - full report

    Part of the Seafood 2040 aquaculture strategy for England - this full report includes a review of the English aquaculture landscape and current barriers to growth, along with the rationale and methodology behind the strategy.