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    Flatfish pulse fishing

    A report on the research results and knowledge gaps of flatfish pulse fishing.
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    First Interim Report of the Working Group on Electrical Trawling (WGELECTRA)

    The Working Group on Electrical Trawling (WGELECTRA) met in Ostend, Belgium from 21–23 October 2014 to review knowledge of the effects of electrical fishing on the marine environment. This is the report of those findings and suggested recommendations.
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    Sustainable brown shrimp fishery - is pulse fishing a promising option?

    This report has been funded by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation in the frame of the project “Ökologisch verträgliche Krabbenfischerei” – “Sustainable brown shrimp fishery” (FKZ 3512 85 0400).
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    Squid Fishing in UK Waters

    During the past decade, total squid landings from the NE Atlantic ranged from 10,000– 18,000 t. The bulk of European catches were landed by French, Portuguese, Spanish and UK fleets. Loligo forbesi is the most frequently caught species in UK waters, and forms the basis of significant by-catch fisheries, with annual landings as high as 3,500 t. A significant proportion (5–70%) of the total Scottish squid landings are caught in the Moray Firth, where a seasonal, directed fishery operates during summer-autumn. The size of the fleet directly involved in this fishery has ranged from 20–65 vessels in recent years. Many of the fishing crews target squid for several weeks, when large numbers of small squid recruit to the fishery.
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    Report of the Study Group on Electrical Trawling (SGELECTRA) April 2013

    A report of the Study Group on Electrical Trawling (SGELECTRA).
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    Report of the Study Group on Electrical Trawling (SGELECTRA) April 2012

    A report on the Study Group on Electrical Trawling (SGELECTRA).