Documents | Seafish

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We found 459 results for "online fish" in Documents
  • PDF

    Fish & Shellfish Identification

    Originally published in 1989 as an open learning module, this technical guide to the identification of fish and shellfish is now only available as a pdf file online. In 2008 Seafish developed and released a DVD guide to seafood identification. Both the pdf and the DVD complement the information on seafood species available on the Seafood Training Academy website ( in the guide to seafood species gallery of the website. For a copy of the Seafood Identification DVD see the Seafish training materials pricelist.
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    Basic Fishing Methods

    A comprehensive guide to commercial fishing methods. This publication contains illustrations and descriptions of commonly used fishing methods, gears and rigs.
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    FMIG Presentation 3. Innovative gear selectivity – current state of play. 17 April 2024.

    David Warwick, Seafish spoke about the preliminary findings from the Sumwing trials, and Seafish gear selectivity work. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Fish Chips in Independent Fish and Chip Shops (2017)

    Independent fish and chip shops remain the largest (and growing) outlet for fish & chip meals, with 103 million servings in the year to September 2017; taking a 54% share of all fish and chip servings in GB foodservice
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    Reopening Your Fish and Chip Shop

    Guidance for businesses closed due to COVID-19 restrictions
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    An overview of Fish is the Dish

    Seafood and the Consumer Presentation - Heather Middleton
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    Seafish – a year in review

    Under our current Corporate Plan Seafish made a range of commitments to industry across its various workstreams. Contained in this publication are some of the achievements made in that time (March 2013 to 2014) by Seafish under each heading.
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    2016 Fish as Food review 

    An initial review focused on the UK consumption of seafood products. This report considers developments, implications and practical responses from industry and Seafish.
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    Fish Frying Price List

    This price list contains details and costs of our training materials and courses for the fish frying sector.
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    2023 Fish as Food review

    A review of developments in UK seafood consumption which looks at implications and practical responses.
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 25 September 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: A new online Information System on EU and national labelling rules; Question & Answer on Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011; Update on mercury in fish and fishery products