Documents | Seafish

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We found 459 results for "online fish" in Documents
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    Seafish Guide to RFS

    Overview of the RFS including context for reasons for redevelopment, information on new structure, processes and indication of benefits from each sectors view point
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    The Sea Fish Industry Authority - Annual Report and Accounts 2006/07

    Annual Report and accounts available to download
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    The Sea Fish Industry Authority - Annual Report & Accounts 2007/08

    The Annual Report provides a detailed Management Commentary and financial review of the activities undertaken by Seafish during 2007/08 and information on future developments.
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    Seafood Ethics Common Language Group. News alert. October 2022.

    October news alert sent to SECLG subscribers on 20 October 2022.
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    Seafood Imports - Legislation and Official Procedures - Questions and Answers

    Import controls are in place to protect human and animal health. Food originating outside the UK may have been produced to different standards to the ones in force throughout the EU. Border controls ensure that only food that meets national food safety legislation, and therefore poses no risk to public health, is allowed into the country. Examples of food that would be stopped at the border are fish containing unacceptable levels of mercury, or shellfish containing natural toxins.
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    Final ACIG minutes 5 April 2017

    Final minutes of the Aquaculture Common Issues Group meeting held in London on 5 April 2017.
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 27 November 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including EFSA opinion on ethoxyquin; Guidance Document related to import requirements and the new rules on food hygiene and official food controls; EU-Philippines free trade; Free Trade Agreement with Thailand; Sri Lankan fish ban; EU credits Sri Lanka on progress made on IUU fisheries issue; Imports of tuna products from Thailand into the European Union; Nestlé admits to forced labour in its seafood supply chain in Thailand; Question for written answer on the decline in pilchard and anchovy stocks in connection with the tuna recovery plan; New funds to promote our wild and farmed fish; Working Party on Internal and External Fisheries Policy (November 26-27); Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in the Bioeconomy - A challenge for Europe - 4th SCAR Foresight Exercise
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    Economics of the Fishing Fleet 2022

    This report presents economic estimates at UK, home nation and fleet segment level for the UK fishing fleet. The estimates are calculated based on samples of fishing costs and earnings gathered by Seafish as part of the 2022 Annual Fleet Economic Survey.
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    Traceability and consumer information under EU fisheries control measures and fish marketing requirements Version 4

    European fisheries control measures apply minimum labelling and information requirements throughout the supply chain for certain fisheries and aquaculture products whilst under marketing requirements the consumer and mass caterers must be provided with prescribed catch information. Mass caterers include businesses such as restaurants and takeaways in which food is prepared for consumption by the consumer. The requirements do not apply to all fishery products and some exempted from fisheries control are not exempt under marketing. Under Parts I and II this document provides guidance on which products the traceability and consumer information apply to and what information is required within the supply chain and ultimately for consumers and mass caterers. This document consolidates and updates previous guides on information and traceability requirements in the fisheries control regulation (EC) 1224/2009 and the common organisation of the markets regulation (EU) 1379/2013 into a single guide.
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    Fisheries Management and Innovation Group. News alert. July 2022.

    July news alert sent to FMIG subscribers on 1 August 2022.
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    Seafish Brussels Seafood Regulation Update 15/11/2017 – 23/11/2017

    Welfare of farmed fish; Tackling mercury pollution in the EU and worldwide; US: changes affecting US stakeholders that export fishery products directly to the European Union; Open public consultation on the initiative to limit industrial trans fats intakes in the EU; Understanding fish digestion for improved aquafeed; PECH committee; bluefin tuna fraud
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 29 January 2016

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: EC Comitology – EMFF; Ship owners and seafarers guidance on shipboard harassment; Fraud in the labelling of fish; Manual for reporting on food-borne outbreaks; Support to EU Reference Laboratories; Europêche Multi-annual Management Plans; Dutch flatfish fleet; Use of data in the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP); Trade policy promotes sustainability and human rights.