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We found 270 results for "issue 15 cables new" in Documents
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    Seafish Standard Design Purification Systems: Operating Manual for the Vertical Stack System

    Manual for developing and operating Seafish standard design for shellfish purification system: Vertical Stack System
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    Design of a containerised biodiesel production plant

    This report details work carried out in assembly of a prototype containerised batch production plant that is portable and suited to deployment quayside to support fishermen that wish to selfmanufacture biodiesel. The biodiesel batch plant has a maximum production capacity of approximately 210,000 litres per annum when working one shift and approximately 420,000 litres per annum with 24 hour working.
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    Understanding and responding to climate change in UK seafood (wild capture) - full report

    The report concerns UK seafood wild capture supply chains reliant on domestic and international production. It covers major impacts from key climate change drivers, from production to processing, and sets out major areas of adaptation action.
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    Seafish Insight: Fishing references by country in 2017 U. S. TIP Report. June 2017.

    The Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report is the U.S. Government’s principal diplomatic tool to engage foreign governments on human trafficking. It is also the world’s most comprehensive resource of governmental anti-human trafficking efforts. The U.S. Department of State Trafficking in Persons report (TIP) 2017 was published on 27 June 2017. This document lists the references to fishing by country.
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    Environmental Data Gathering for Environmental Assessments_Basic Seabed Habitat Mapping using Acoustic Ground Discrimination Sonar and Underwater Video

    A lack of information on the precise location of a protected marine habitat or refuge for a protected marine species has caused considerable delays in environmental impact assessments and at worst led to applications to develop shellfish farms being refused or withdrawn as regulators are unable to decide whether the farm site and/or access arrangements will or will not have a potential impact on a protected wildlife site (Seafish 2006 & 2007).
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    Alternative Marine Conservation Zones in Irish Sea mud habitat: potential for fisheries displacement and an assessment of habitat condition and potential management scenarios.

    Areas of potential alternative Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) sites representing mud habitat within the UK Irish Sea regional sea were selected at a stakeholder engagement meeting in October 2014. In order to assess the suitability of these sites within the Irish Sea regional area, existing data were examined to assess habitat condition, variation and how well these meet the mud habitat criteria set by the UK government. Nephrops stock assessment video surveys were utilised along with grab sample data, across both eastern and western Irish Sea areas. Macroinvertebrate community analysis was undertaken on the grab infaunal data, along with analysis of sediment parameters. The level of disturbance was also examined through benthic community assessment relating to successional stage.
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    Fuel Systems Testing - Determinations of the effect of (electro-) magnetic installations, a fuel additive and a lubricant additive on diesel fuel consumption

    On 6th March 2008 representatives from SeaFISH and the University of Exeter met to discuss testing of fuel economy enhancement technologies at the CSM dynamometer test cell facility. These discussions resulted in an order for testing of various technologies to determine their effectiveness. The proposed technologies were varied in nature, ranging from the use of permanent and electromagnets installed on fuel lines to performance exhaust systems and engine lubricant conditioners. For each of these technologies, engine performance and fuel consumption tests were undertaken once without the technology deployed, then once with the technology installed. The results from the two tests were compared.
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    Seafish Annual Plan 2015-2016

    Our Annual Plan is taken from our 2015-18 Corporate Plan and details the programmes of work we will deliver in 2015/16 . The Plan sets out the costs associated with our work programmes as well as our Key Performance Indicators for the year.
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    FANTARED 2 - A study to identify, quantify and ameliorate the impacts of static gear lost at sea

    The study covered fisheries from northwest Norway through the North Sea, English Channel/la Manche, Cantabrian Sea and Algarve to the French Mediterranean. It was carried out as a series of tasks. Task 1, preparation, involved reviewing each partner’s national fisheries and establishing liaison groups of fishermen and other industry members; Task 2, quantifying lost gear, required the partners to interview fishermen to establish their experiences of gear loss and then the survey the areas where losses were reported; Task 3, physical evolution, started with the retrieval of ‘naturally lost’ gears and then moved on to a series of exercises simulating gear loss and monitoring how the ‘lost’ gears changed over time; Task 4, ecosystem impacts, involved interpreting catch data from the experimental gears, raising the data to métier level and comparing the results to targeted commercial catches; Task 5, mitigating measures, established a sub-group to look at the ways in which gear loss is treated elsewhere, matched those approaches to the European fisheries and assessed the likely benefits of alternate strategies; Task 6, ran throughout the project and involved industry liaison, reporting and other dissemination. The work required a relatively high level of industry liaison. In practical terms this meant that each national partner set up a national advisory group (NAG) to guide the work and to ensure that the sea trials and recommendations were representative and realistic. The NAGs were mainly made up of experienced skippers but also included net riggers and other professionals as appropriate. This report, wherever possible, follows the sequence of tasks described above.
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    Seafish Delivery Report 2015-16

    Delivery Report for 2015-16
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    Seafish Standard Sampling Operating Procedure_Basic Video Mapping Seabed Habitats

    A lack of information on the precise location of a protected marine habitat or refuge for a protected marine species has caused considerable delays in environmental impact assessments and at worst led to applications to develop shellfish farms being refused or withdrawn as regulators are unable to decide whether the farm site and/or access arrangements will or will not have a potential impact on a protected wildlife site (Seafish 2006 & 2007).
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    Seafish Corporate Plan 2015-2018

    The new Seafish Corporate Plan for 2015-18 sets out our mission, vision and values for the next three years. The Plan includes the new High Level Objectives and strategic outcomes for Seafish, along with more detailed information about the Seafish work programmes which support them. The Plan has been developed in partnership with industry and key stakeholders and will be our key tool in communicating our delivery promise during 2015-2018.