Documents | Seafish

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We found 459 results for "online fish" in Documents
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    Seafish Corporate Plan 2018-2021

    The new Seafish Corporate Plan for 2018-21 sets out our mission, vision and values for the next three years. The Plan includes the new High Level Objectives and strategic outcomes for Seafish, along with more detailed information about the Seafish work programmes which support them. The Plan has been developed in partnership with industry and key stakeholders and will be our key tool in communicating our delivery promise during 2018-2021.
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    The Sea Fish Industry Authority - Annual Report and Accounts 2011/2012

    The Annual Report provides a detailed Management Commentary and financial review of the activities undertaken by Seafish during 2011/2012 and information on future developments.
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    Best Practice Guidance for Fishing Industry Financial and Economic Impact Assessments

    Guidelines based on outputs from a technical workshop organised by the UK Fisheries Economics Network.
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    Domestic & Export Sector Panel Minutes - October 2020

    The Minutes of the Domestic & Export Sector Panel meeting, held on Tuesday 20 October 2020.
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    Employers ongoing responsibilities as a sponsor of Skilled Workers

    Information on the ongoing responsibilities for employers and how to comply with them. Guide 4 of 5.
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    Assessment of the benefits of MSC Certification to a major UK fishery and its supply chain

    his study has been undertaken by Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Ltd for the Scottish Fisheries Sustainable Accreditation Group (SFSAG) and was completed from January to April 2014. The aim of this work is to inform decision making processes on Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification, including whether fisheries should enter the MSC certification process in the first place or if currently certified fisheries should seek re-assessment (after the 5 year period of MSC certification). This report presents the findings from the first year of a study to provide an assessment of the benefits of fishery accreditation, using the MSC certified North Sea (NS) haddock fishery as a detailed case study to determine current benefits and to track benefits for the next two consecutive years (in subsequent follow-up research). The objective of the project is to identify and assess the benefits of Scottish MSC haddock certification in branded MSC and non-labelled segments of the retail and foodservice supply chains. Furthermore, indirect benefits will be explored throughout the supply chain and with other stakeholders in the seafood industry
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    Final CLG minutes for 3 July 2013

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held at Billingsgate on Wednesday 3 July 2013.
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    Seafood provenance and authenticity

    Seafood businesses operate in a complex marketplace where the motives and opportunity for criminal activity are manifest and ever-present – in other words; seafood is traded within a heavily risk-laden landscape. This briefing note aims to provide information on the nature of food fraud risks in seafood supply chains and outlines some useful counter-measures that may be deployed to reduce those risks..
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    Seafood Industry Leadership Group Meeting Minutes - 25 November 2021

    Minutes from the 25 November 2021 Seafood 2040 Seafood Industry Leadership Group (SILG) meeting in Year 4.
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    UK Seafood Supply Chain Overview: January-March 2023

    This report takes a high-level view of the whole of the UK seafood supply chain to explore factors impacting UK seafood markets, seafood business operations and consumer behaviour during January to March 2023.
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    Review of Covid-19 impacts on the UK seafood industry: January-March 2021

    The fourth report in a series of reviews on the impacts of Covid-19 on the UK seafood sector. It provides a high-level view of the impact of Covid-19 on the whole of the UK seafood supply chain in the first three months of 2021.