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    Seafish briefing on labour issues in Thailand's warm water prawn supply chain. December 2014.

    The Thai government has long faced criticism for its failure to curb labour and human rights abuses occurring in the country, however attention came to a head in June 2014 with the publication of a series of articles and videos in the Guardian newspaper containing allegations of human trafficking and slave labour in the Thai seafood industry. At the same time the US State Department downgraded Thailand to a Tier 3 ranking on its 2014 Trafficking in Persons report. Tier 3 status indicates insufficient improvement of ongoing human trafficking problems in a number of Thailand’s industries, including its seafood industry. The TIP Report highlights the existence of forced labour, human trafficking, and other abuses on Thai vessels that harvest wild fish for Thai shrimp feed, and the Guardian articles have connected those supply chains to leading producers and retailers. The UK seafood industry is taking this issue very seriously and there are moves to ensure that each link in the supply chain is not implicated in any form of labour abuse. Whilst there is a fundamental need to improve the situation this document highlights the positive movement for change that is underway.
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    Guidance Note - Protected Wildlife Sites

    There are more than 7000 protected wildlife sites in the UK, and many of these extend to the coast and inshore waters. • Some fishing activities may not have a significant impact on wildlife, some might need to be restricted in certain areas, but if so, it may be possible to find wildlife-friendly ways to keep working. • Breaking wildlife laws can result in a criminal prosecution and a fine of up to £20,000. • This Guidance Note will tell you about the protected wildlife sites in the UK, and how to work with the authorities to stay the right side of the law.
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    UK Fishing: Past, Present and Future

    This note aims to help readers to better understand what’s happening in the UK fishing industry. This is to reassure buyers that UK-caught fish can, and should, be a component of the supply chain.The various sections describe the modern catching sector, explain how the industry is coming to terms with new responsibilities and shows how it’s playing its part in the stewardship of the marine environment.
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    A Sea of Health

    Nutritional content and health benefits of seafood
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    2016 Economics of the UK Fishing Fleet

    Detailed insight into the financial and operational performance of UK registered fishing vessels during 2015 and 2016.
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    Project Inshore - Stage 3 project update March 2015

    This document outlines the Project Inshore work through the four stages which progress from a broad overview of English inshore fisheries to strategic targeted action plans.
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    Haddock and Cod Immunology and Vaccine Development

    This progress report presents the work carried out in the first two years of a three-year project on Haddock and Cod Immune System and Vaccine Development. The aim of this project is sto study the ontogeny of the immune system in Haddock and the use of this knowledge to develop a vaccine technology.
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    Review of Covid-19 impacts on the UK seafood industry: October-December 2020

    The third report in a series of reviews on the impacts of Covid-19 on the UK seafood sector. It takes a high-level view of the seafood supply chain exploring the impact on seafood markets, business operations and consumer behaviour.
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    The Sea Fish Industry Authority - Annual Report and Accounts 2010/2011

    The Annual Report provides a detailed Management Commentary and financial review of the activities undertaken by Seafish during 2010/2011 and information on future developments.
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    Investigating the use of double square mesh panel arrangements in pair trawls

    This report resulted from the introduction of legislation making square mesh panels mandatory in a number of UK fisheries.