Documents | Seafish

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    B9_Setting welfare standards of cod during transportation to improve safety and efficiency

    The investigation of the relationship between fish size, stocking density, and water quality changes during live fish transportation is expected to give information that could form the basis of an industry code of practice for marine finfish transport which would improve the safety and welfare of fish under such conditions. This report covers a second series of trials testing the effects of a range of variables on water quality during simulated transport conditions, using the cod, Gadus morhua, as the test species.
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    The Price of Fish?

    A key new report to give all 661 MPs and 129 MSPs a clear overview of why our industry matters. It is intended to give a general overview of our industry, covering everything from safety at sea through to the improving environmental record of fishing, the economic value of our industry, and the health benefits of seafood.
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    Summary of ICES advice

    Summary of new ICES advice published in June and October 2009.
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    UK seafood supply base to 2030

    An initial review of developments, implications and practical responses from industry and Seafish.
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    The UK shellfish industry’s role in supporting shellfish ecosystem services and public goods and benefits

    This report considers the role that fishing and aquaculture play in maintaining and enhancing shellfish ecosystem services and delivering public goods and benefits. The relevance of this to future marine policy development is also considered.
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    Labour and Skills: Wales 2020

    Labour and skills study of the seafood industry in Wales
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    Discarding in the North Sea and on the historical efficacy of gear-based technical measures in reducing discards

    We describe and analyse newly available catch and discard data from the English andWelsh fishing fleet operating in the North Sea. In this fleet we estimate that between 2003 and 2006 discard rates averaged 36% by number and 25% by weight. Additionally, we analyse historical discard data from the fleet to evaluate the efficacy of square-mesh panels and increases in codend mesh size. These various gear-based technical measures have been introduced into the fisheries for the purpose of reducing discarding; we demonstrate that these technical measures have been effective in this respect. Keywords: Discards, North Sea, Gear selectivity, Technical measures, UK fisheries
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    Seafood Imports - Legislation and Official Procedures - Questions and Answers

    Import controls are in place to protect human and animal health. Food originating outside the UK may have been produced to different standards to the ones in force throughout the EU. Border controls ensure that only food that meets national food safety legislation, and therefore poses no risk to public health, is allowed into the country. Examples of food that would be stopped at the border are fish containing unacceptable levels of mercury, or shellfish containing natural toxins.
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