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    Seafood thawing

    The seafood industry uses a large amount of frozen raw material. Much of this requires thawing before further use or processing. Companies typically thaw seafood in-house using a range of different methods. These vary from using water, air or steam through to microwave and radio frequency systems. The type of thawing method used is dependent on many factors including cost, throughput, timescale, size, efficiency and effect on quality amongst other things. Currently there is a lack of comprehensive, up to date information on seafood thawing, making it difficult for processors to understand the process, the relative merits of each type of available system and how and where the process can go wrong. This document is a compilation of available information on the thawing of seafood. It includes; - A summary of the key scientific principles of seafood thawing - An overview of relevant UK and EU legislation - A description of current UK thawing practice, highlighting good manufacturing practice and problem areas. - Information on different thawing systems and methods - A review of new technologies, and - Sources of further information and advice.
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    A social and economic impact assessment of cockle mortality in the Burry Inlet and Three Rivers cockle fisheries, South Wales UK

    Mortalities of larger, more valuable cockle 2 and 3 year-classes have recurred on the Burry Inlet (Loughour) Estuary (BI) since 2002 and on the nearby Three Rivers Estuary (TR) since 2005. The aim of this report is to estimate the economic impact of the mortality on the south Wales cockle industry, related businesses and wider Welsh economy. Stakeholder interviews, direct observation, secondary literature, production and price data supplied by industry and government agencies is used to characterise value-chains, historic livelihood, regulatory and production trends.
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    Fishermen's Handbook_Costs and Earnings of the Uk Fishing Vessel Fleet 1996/97

    The SFIA has gathered data on costs and earnings of the UK Fishing Vessel Fleet, via annual surveys, since the 1970's. This information was used to examine the economic performance of the fleet as a whole and the results were distributed to fishing vessel owners in the form of a booklet containing summaries broken down into vessel length groupings.
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    Trials to Compare the Thermal Performance of a New Design of Tri-pack Corrugated Plastic Non-reusable fish box with Expanded Polystyrene and Single Walled Fibreboard Boxes

    Trials were carried out to compare the thermal properties of expanded polystyrene (EPS), single walled fibreboard (SWF) and corrugated plastic (CP) boxes. The boxes were tested in an environmental chamber and fish fillet temperature in each box was recorded for two time-temperature profiles. The first profile represented an interrupted chilled chain distribution over 66 hours, such as by airfreight, and the second profile represented a controlled chilled distribution of 72 hours, such as by road transport. Fillets in each box were chilled using a single frozen gel-ice pack placed on top of the fillets, or using ice. The EPS box was most effective at maintaining low fillet temperature for both temperature profiles and cooling methods. The CP box had similar but slightly better insulative properties than the SWF box. Ice chilling of fillets was more effective than a single gel-ice pack at maintaining low fillet temperatures for both temperature profiles. At the end of the trials using ice, the amount of melt water produced exceeded the capacity of the absorbent pad used. The ratio of ice used and/or absorbent pad capacity needs careful consideration to prevent fillets from soaking in melt water in non-draining boxes. Where fish is distributed in an uncontrolled chilled distribution chain, boxes with greater insulative properties, such as EPS would be advisable in order to maintain low product temperatures. Where fish is distributed in a strictly controlled distribution chain, it would be beneficial to use boxes with less insulation, to allow chill temperatures to influence product temperatures.
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    Options for improving fuel efficiency in the UK fishing fleet - key features

    The key features leaflet contains a summary of the full report. Our intent in providing this summary is to clearly illustrate practical options to improve fuel efficiency to UK vessel owners and skippers. By providing this information we hope to encourage fuel efficient practices and provide guidance on evaluating investment in new equipment needed to adopt new practices, thereby enhancing the profitability of vessel business.
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    Seafish Standard Design Purification Systems: Operating Manual for the Large Scale Multi Layer System

    Manual for developing and operating Seafish standard design for shellfish purification system: Large Scale Multi Layer System
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    SR684 Case study: consumer messages concerning brown crab products in selected European market

    This case is an in-depth review of brown crab products as seen from a consumer perspective. The case is produced as a specific output of the wider Acrunet Activity 5 which seeks to understand the wider system of brown crab practices from production to consumption. Topics covered include ethics of production (animal welfare - clawing, harvesting, storage and slaughter); food safety (biotoxins and cadmium); labelling; and stocks .