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    Fleet Economic Performance Dataset 2005-14

    The Seafish fleet economic performance dataset contains financial, economic and operation performance indicators for the period 2005-14. Tables are supplemented by graphs and economic analysis provided by the Seafish economics team.
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    Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme User Guide

    This User Guide for the Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme (RFPS) is designed to explain the most important parts of the RFPS in an easy-to-understand way. It also includes an appendix which looks at individual clauses in detail.
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    Preliminary investigation of economic performance and accidents in the UK fishing fleet

    This report presents the findings of a preliminary investigation into the relationship between vessel accidents and the operational and financial performance of vessels in the UK fishing fleet in the period 2008-2016.
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    Fisheries Management Issues Report

    The Fisheries Management Issues Report summarises some of the current issues affecting the UK fishing industry. Information is collated from regional, UK and European sources and regular topics include discussions at the EU Fisheries Council meetings, official landings into the UK relative to allocated quotas and the extent of bans on fishing due to shellfish poisoning around the UK.
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    Seafish Economic Analysis: UK king scallop dredging sector 2008 - 2016, 2nd Edition, final 2016 data

    In 2015 the Scallop Industry Consultation Group (SICG) raised concerns over declining profits in ICES area 7 (including the English Channel and Irish Sea). In response to these concerns Seafish was asked to conduct an economic analysis of king scallop dredge vessels. This report illustrates the economic and operational performance of UK vessels dependent on king scallops in 2008-2016.
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    Storage Trials of Controlled Atmosphere Packaged Fish Products

    During these trials fish fillets were packed in a variety of atmospheres, stored under controlled conditions, and their quality assessed at regular intervals. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Seafish Corporate Plan 2015-2018

    The new Seafish Corporate Plan for 2015-18 sets out our mission, vision and values for the next three years. The Plan includes the new High Level Objectives and strategic outcomes for Seafish, along with more detailed information about the Seafish work programmes which support them. The Plan has been developed in partnership with industry and key stakeholders and will be our key tool in communicating our delivery promise during 2015-2018.
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    Quay Issues: Fleet Economic Performance Dataset 2008-16

    The Seafish Fleet Economic Performance Dataset provides a detailed insight into the financial and operational performance of the fleet between 2008 and 2016 alongside analysis produced by the Seafish Economics team.