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    Guidance booklet for the Fishing Vessel Safety Folder

    Guidance booklet for all vessels
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    2011 Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet - Key Features

    The 2011 Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet provides a detailed insight into the financial and operational performance of the fleet during 2011 and 2012. This is the seventh edition of this annual report and the first to incorporate two years of data. The information presented in this publication is a comprehensive and accurate reflection of the financial performance of the UK fishing fleet and is used by a wide range of people across industry, government and academia. We hope that availability of accurate economic data and expert analysis of fleet performance will be used to enhance fisheries management and benefit the UK fleet in the long-run.
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    The Longliner_Issue 5_2010

    This issue puts the spotlight on standards across various sectors of the seafood industry, from aquaculture through to the fish and chip trade. It also features the first in a series of guides to help steer you through the myriad of regulation that applies to the industry – starting at the top with Codex.
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    Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG) Project. An industry-centred conservation project.

    Commercial proving trials of a new prawn trawl design.
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    2013 UK Fleet Optimisation Model

    This report describes the Seafish fleet capacity model and illustrates outputs for the North Sea and West of Scotland whitefish trawl segment.
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    UK Fleet Financial Performance 2009 Mid Year Review

    This report provides a mid year review of performance in demersal and nephrops segments of the fleet. The report is based on a short survey and the update of the Seafish profit forecast model. Key findings include: > The fleet is receiving lower prices for most species this year; > The mood in the fleet is poor > Profits in many segments of the fleet are forecast to be lower this year
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    Seafish Annual Plan 2015-2016

    Our Annual Plan is taken from our 2015-18 Corporate Plan and details the programmes of work we will deliver in 2015/16 . The Plan sets out the costs associated with our work programmes as well as our Key Performance Indicators for the year.
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    Analysis and suggested modifications for Queen Scallop dredge net_IPF C100

    This report will look at alternative materials and then consider design modifications for the mat.Secondly, it will investigate possible alternative materials and heat treatments for the net and finally design modifications to the net to capitalise on any advantage these materials may offer. This report should be read in conjunction with SR612_Testing Materials used in Queen Scallop dredge Construction_IPF C100
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    Seafish Summary of ICES assessed stocks - June and October 2011

    Summary of June and October 2011 ICES advice for cod, Dover sole, haddock, hake, herring, mackerel, megrim, monkfish, nephrops, plaice, saithe and whiting. Also limited advice for brill, dab, flounder, grey gurnard, pollack, red gurnard, striped red mullet and turbot.
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