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    Scottish Industry Science Partnership_Technical Measures to Enhance Selectivity in Pelagic Fisheries

    During the autumn 2006 mackerel season a prototype selectivity grid was trialled on the Zephyr LK 394 and the crew reported that both the average size of mackerel increased and the by catch percentages of herring were reduced when compared to catches by its pair trawler Antares LK 419. Following these initial observations the fishers that were involved recognized the need for independent observation and analysis of results. This led to the current project being proposed and subsequently receiving funding through the Scottish Industry Science Partnership fund (SISP).
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    Pilot trials to determine the benefits of high pressure processing (HPP) for seafood in the UK Report on phase 2 studies:

    In the first phase of the project, high pressure processing studies were carried out on 11 species of fish and shellfish in order to determine whether there were any potential processing benefits for the UK seafood processing industry. The seafood products tested were nephrops, mussels, oysters, crab, cold water prawns, lobster, warm water prawns, unsmoked salmon, squid, mackerel and cod. The results from the first phase of the project can be found in report reference FMT/REP/95900/1. Five products were short-listed for further work; these were nephrops, warm water prawns, crab, salmon and cod. Trials on crab, warm water prawns and nephrops focused on large scale picking/peeling trials to determine whether product yield benefits identified in phase 1 were transferrable to larger scale processing. Trials on salmon and cod focused on pasteurisation and shelf-life evaluation.
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    Good Manufacturing Practice Guidance - Shellfish Cooking

    This document provides guidance to seafood processors on good manufacturing practice (GMP) for shellfish cooking ashore. Its purpose is to help both small and larger businesses produce safe, high quality products. It is targeted at the needs of processors carrying out basic cooking operations.
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    Quay Issues: Issue 2

    This magazine presents some of the stories behind the data, emerging from our Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet. It highlights the main issues identified by fishermen during the survey and features case studies on individual fishing businesses demonstrating how they have overcome barriers to success. The magazine also features interviews with other experts describing recent changes in the industry and the adaptive management taking place in their sectors. The aim is to encourage fishing vessel owners to think critically and creatively about how they can solve problems facing their businesses to enhance their overall performance and profitability.
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    Development of a Generic Shellfish Hatchery Design with Associated Spatting Ponds

    The SIP project output examines opportunities for aquaculture in/around enclosed marine water bodies, as well as the development of a generic design for a shellfish hatchery - the proposed Tidal Lagoon in Swansea Bay (TLSB) case study is a significant focus
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    2000 Survey of the UK Sea Fish Processing Industry

    In this detailed report the structure of the whole industry is revealed, highlighting trends and changes since 1995 and earlier. Tables, charts, and graphs illustrate the key points concerning how the industry is organised, how it is evolving, and how this affects the distribution of employment in the industry. Results are broken down by region, by company size, by fish type, and by type of processing carried out (primary, secondary, or mixed). There is detailed financial analysis of the primary and mixed processing sectors, showing the strengths and weaknesses of the industry as a whole, and highlighting regional and sectoral differences.
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    Annual Review of Feed Grade Fish Stocks September 2010

    Annual Review of the feed grade fish stocks used to produce fishmeal and fish oil for the UK market This review focuses on recent independent documentary assessments of these stocks. These are predominantly published by the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). It covers sandeel, sprat, capelin, herring, blue whiting, Norway pout, anchovy, jack mackerel, sardine and menhaden.
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    2017 Pilot Survey of Employment in the UK Fishing Fleet

    This report presents an overview and discussion of the methods and data collected during the 2017 pilot survey of employment in the UK fishing fleet, conducted by Seafish. The main purpose of the pilot survey was to test a methodology and questionnaire design for the collection of social data on the UK fishing fleet. The information presented in this report focuses on the sample collected and does not represent a complete picture of employment throughout the UK fishing fleet.