Documents | Seafish

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We found 459 results for "online fish" in Documents
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    An investigation into the information requirements of businesses sourcing sustainable seafood

    The results of a survey of personnel responsible for sourcing seafood in the processing, retailing and restaurant sectors will be used in the development of the Seafish responsible sourcing guides.
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    Quay Issues: Issue 8

    Quay Issues is a magazine for the fishing industry. This edition of Quay Issues shines a light on the way in which some businesses are rising to the challenges that the sector faces.
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    Seafish Brussels Update 07/07/2017 – 14/07/2017

    EU and UK positions on citizens’ rights: First phase of Brexit negotiations; EP Constitutional Affairs Committee exchange of views with Guy Verhofstadt Parliament's coordinator for the negotiations on UK withdrawal from the EU; Speaking points by Michel Barnier after College meeting; State of play of Article 50 negotiations with the UK; Seychelles Fishery products derived from tuna species; EC Update on GSP+ countries; Sri Lanka; Philippines; European Commission start debate on Trade and Sustainable Development in EU Trade Agreements; EU and Canada agree to set date for provisional application of CETA; Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement and protocol with Côte d'Ivoire
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    Aquaculture Hyperbooks Cod Technical Pages

    These pages contain technical advice on the cultivation of cod. They are complimented by economic modelling tools that enable you to explore how a potential cod cultivation business might work. There are models for the hatchery, nursery and on-growing aspects of farming. Key words: Aquaculture; Mussel; Scallop; Oyster; Clam; Halibut; Turbot; Cod; Manila; Pacific; Hyperbook; Economic; Model; cultivation; farming; King; Queen; algae; trestle, rope; cage; seabed; suspended; hatchery; nursery; production;
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    Whelk Management Group Minutes - October 2020

    Meeting minutes for the 3rd meeting of the Whelk Management Group (WMG) which took place on 15th October 2020 via Zoom.
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    ACIG. Notes on bite-size meeting. Digitalisation in Aquaculture. 24 March 2022.

    This meeting looked at how improvements in precision farming, farming practices and profitability can be achieved with the help of data technologies, and how increased forecasting and modelling capabilities may improve management decisions.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 25 November 2016

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at the Wesley Hotel, London on 25 November 2016.
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    Final notes on Skates and Rays Group meeting 8 October 2013

    Final notes on the Skates and Rays group meeting held at Friends House on Tuesday 8 October 2013.
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    Final CLG minutes for 6 November 2013

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held at Billingsgate on Wednesday 6 November 2013.
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    Crab and Lobster Management Group minutes - July 2022

    Meeting minutes for the 8th meeting of the Crab and Lobster Management Group (CMG) which took place on 11th July 2022 via Microsoft Teams.
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    Whelk Management Group Minutes - February 2023

    Meeting minutes for the 11th meeting of the Whelk Management Group (WMG) which took place on 20th February 2023 via Microsoft Teams.
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    2021 Northern Ireland Small Port Infrastructure Survey

    2021 Northern Ireland Small Port Infrastructure Survey Investigation into infrastructure and facilities at Northern Ireland landing locations that have a commercial fishing presence.