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    Electro Trawling Trials onboard MT Boltby Queen

    The report describes the present state of development of the electrified array system intended to replace ‘tickler’ chains on trawls designed for flat fish capture. The system has been developed over some 7 years and has involved trials with Beam and Otter trawls modified to carry the electrified arrays. The latest series of trials, with a modified version of a Lowestoft C4 Otter trawl, are described in the report. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Project UK Advisory Group Members

    List of members
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    Implementation of more selective and sustainable fisheries (IMPSEL)

    Gear database resource: Report on project looking at implementation of more selective and sustainable fisheries funded by the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries
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    2022 Q3 Seafish Seafood in Foodservice

    Seafood in foodservice performance summary including channel breakdown and trends, data to year ending September 2022.
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    Statement to the Press: MarinTrust accepts North East Atlantic Blue Whiting FIP onto Improver Programme

    A North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy (NAPA) Group press statement.
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    Guide to Protected Species

    This guide looks at the interactions between protected species and fisheries, providing information on potential mitigation options.
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    Candian Pair Seining Experiment 1969

    Candian Pair Seining Experiment 1969
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    End Product Testing (EPT)

    Food Business Operators have a legal duty to ensure food they place on the market is safe and fit for consumption. EPT ensures harvested shellfish are regularly tested for microbial contaminants and biotoxins.
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    Nutritional Profile - John Dory

    The john dory nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    Open letter to Ministers - pre-quota allocation meetings

    The North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy (NAPA) Group shares an open letter urging Ministers to work constructively to prioritise resolving allocation issues to ensure the overall catch for each stock does not overstep the scientific advice.
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    Catch Comparison Trials with the Faithlie Cod Avoidance Panel (FCAP)

    A report on catch comparison trials conducted in the North Sea to evaluate the Faithlie Cod Avoidance Panel.
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 11/12/2017 – 15/01/2018

    The (ir-) revocability of the withdrawal notification under Article 50 TEU; Briefing: What Think Tanks are thinking; withdrawal of the UK and EU rules in the field of data protection; Does the European Parliament miss an opportunity to reform after Brexit?; UK trade with Ireland; Brexit: a reading list of post-EU Referendum publications by the UK Parliament and the Devolved Assemblies; Brexit and the legal status of EU officials and other servants of British nationality; Scotland’s place in Europe: People, Jobs and Investment; "Brexit Update; Greater London Authority - Preparing for Brexit; Joint article: a deep and special partnership