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    Statement to the Press: Newly Published ICES Advice Reveals Further Reductions in Catch are Required

    NAPA states its position following the release of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) advice for iconic Northeast Atlantic pelagic stocks in 2023.
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    Nutritional Profile - Sea Bream

    The sea bream nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    Seafood 2040 - A Strategic Framework for England

    Seafood 2040 has brought together stakeholders from across the seafood supply chain in pursuit of a single, compelling goal. This document is the result of that shared enterprise.
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    Business calls for sea-change in pelagics management

    Gisli Gislason, North Atlantic Program Director at the Marine Stewardship Council shares his views on the issues faced by North Atlantic stocks.
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    Training Reform Consusltation Responses

    Response to consultation on funding for training.
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    Nutritional Profile - Hake

    The hake nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    Domestic & Export Sector Panel Minutes - April 2022

    The Minutes of the Domestic & Export Sector Panel meeting, held on Monday 11 April 2022.
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    UK Fleet Restructuring Model - Mathematical Aspects

    Whilst this report deals exclusively with technical aspects of the current SFIA approach to mathematical modelling of the UK Fishing Fleet, it is important to be aware of some background and justification. Early attempts at fleet modelling by the White Fish Authority led to the formation of the Interdepartmental Fisheries Modelling Group, with members from WFA. MAFF and DAFS. Their objectives were to predict the ‘best’ UK fleet composition required to take allowable catches foreseen under various scenarios of EEC policy and fishery resource conservation. This was first tackled using a linear programming (LP) model designed to allocate the fleet in some optimal way, such as to maximise overall profit whilst satisfying strict physical constraints (species quotas, vessel number, etc). Although LP solutions are often acceptable, the method has its drawbacks in applications such as this one. It invariably produces violent changes in fleet allocation in pursuit of some marginal benefit; it is extremely selective in deciding which parts of the fleet to use, ignoring the rest altogether; finally, it always gives solutions on the very limits of what is feasible. Nevertheless, the LP approach did bring benefits, such as amalgamating detailed data from England, Wales and Scotland. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    Channel Discard Study - 2nd Interim Report

    This report describes work carried out on the Channel discards study up until the end of May 1998. The number of trips in each metier is described and discussed in relation to the original targets set and the available data are presented. The successful efforts to trin fishermen to sample discards are described and discussed.
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    MAFF Funded English Channel Discard Study

    In January 1995 the MAFF funded effort survey and discard study in UK towed gear metiers in the English Channel (ICES are VIId and VIIe) was initiated. This was to be carried out for 1 year in the first instance. This report outlines the methodology used to weight the sampling effort and describes preliminary results from the effort survey and the first quarter's sampling. An outline of proposed further analysis is discussed.
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    Whelk Management Group Minutes - April 2022

    Meeting minutes for the 8th meeting of the Whelk Management Group (WMG) which took place on 5th April 2021 via Microsoft Teams.
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    Noise Reduction Measures in Flume Tank

    An investigation was launched into methods of reducing noise levels from the flume tank pump room following complaints by some users that noise levels were a source of annoyance. An assessment of the noise transmission modes was made and a method proposed for attenuating the noise levels. The method was applied to one pump to check its effectiveness and the attenuation achieved is reported here. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.