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    Impact Study E.C. Health & Hygiene Regulations

    Forthcoming EC Regulations on public health standards will have a considerable impact on the UK fish industry especially in the onshore sectors, of coastal fish markets, processing, transportation and wholesalers. Special provisions will be introduced for molluscan shellfish. The tone of the standards is set out in a series of drafts of which the latest is Regulation VI/3204/89 – EN Rev 1 but the details may eventually be published in the form of codes of practice or guidelines. However enough information exists to make some broad assumptions about the extent of upgrading which will be necessary. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Packaging Audit of Billingsgate Fish Market

    Pira Ref: J56401a rev 2 This report covers the packaging audit of Billingsgate fish market by Pira International, as contracted by Sea Fish Industry Authority. Billingsgate market was chosen for the audit because the market demonstrates how complicated trading and packaging flows can be at UK fish markets.
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    Double beam trawling from Ijmuiden - Dieuwina

    Keywords: beam trawling; north sea cutter; double beaming This report has been produced from a scanned original produced in May 1972 and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Noise Level Reductions on M.F.V.

    Following reports of excessive noise in the cabin of M.F.V. "Ocean Challenge" the propeller was changed to one of a highly skewed design. The S.F.I.A. monitored the change in noise and performance levels and found a reduction in noise of up to 25% with no significant reduction in performance.
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    Mussel Purification Commercial Scale Trials

    This report describes a series of trials conducted at Monteum Ltd., Shoreham using a modified crustacean holding tank, Mussels were obtained from the Wash and purified using the existing criteria advised by MAFF with the exception that as the trials progressed the number of mussel layers was increased to the maximum of six that the depth of tank allowed. In addition further trials were conducted with increased mussel density in the tank, the use of interleaf boards between layers and purifying mussels in bags. Water temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen were monitored and samples of tank water and mussels, both pre and post purification, were analysed for the bacterium E.coli and Faecal Streptococci. The trial ran from February to April 1987, when trials were curtailed due to the onset of the mussel spawning season, and were concluded during October to November 1987. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Wash Development Group Progress Report

    The Wash Development Group completed its first year of activity in December 1986. Much progress has been made with demonstrations of the continuous hydraulic suction dredge, but there is now a shortage of mature cockles and this position will not improve before 1988. Purifiction of mussels is now progressing and a limited amount of relaying has been attempted. The report outlines the next stage which is to develop a business plan for the Wash as a whole.
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    Regional Study - South West Scotland

    The fisheries of South West Scotland are encompassed by the Ayr and Campbeltown statistical districts. Geographically they cover the Scottish Solway coast, the Firth of Clyde and Kintyre and the Inner Hebrides as far North as Colonsay. The Solway is dominated by the Queen scallop fishery centred on Kirkcudbright. The Clyde’s centres are Ayr, Campbeltown and Tarbert with a mix of white fish, shellfish and herring. The white fish include valuable hake but the herring fishery is tiny compared with a few years ago mainly due to a scarcity of the typical large fish much sought after by kipperers. Nephrops dominate the shellfish trade contributing some 30% of the Ayr district total value landed. Campbeltown district including the Inner Hebrides is dominated by shellfish landings in terms of total value. These contribute about 90% of the total of which 50% is from Nephrops. Though much of the shellfish is trucked out of the region, there are Nephrop processors in Campbeltown, Ayr and Scotland’s central belt. White fish is processed in Campbeltown and Ayr and Queen scallops at Campbeltown, Kirkcudbright and Newton Stewart. There are major concerns at the time of writing over disappointing levels of Queen scallop landings. The conflicting interests of trawlers and exercising submarines were highlighted by the tragic incident involving the Carradale vessel ‘ANTARES’. This issue is still of major concern in the area despite much effort towards a resolution. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Aggregate Dredging Fishery Perspectives

    The extraction of marine aggregates for civil construction use has increased dramatically in the last five years. There are strict procedures governing the issue of prospecting and extraction licences to dredging companies. Crown Estates Commissioners are the responsible Authority. This report highlights procedures but also draws attention to the risks posed by these activities to fishing interests. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Turbot Hatchery Production 1981

    During 1981 a total of 988,900 day one (dl) turbot larvae commenced rearing at the Hatchery at the Marine Farming Unit, Ardtoe. These comprised of 544,600 larvae from WFA spawning stocks at Ardtoe and Hunterston and 434,400 larvae originating at Scottish Sea Farms Hatchery at South Shian. In addition, a batch of 19,000 turbot/brill hybrid larvae was received from MAFF Lowestoft. Larval rearing methods closely followed those of 1980. The eggs produced at Ardtoe in 1981 (6.5% hatching rate) were of poorer quality than those of 1980 (16% hatching rate). This almost certainly reflected mortalities among proven female spawners between the two seasons. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    Alternative Stimulation in Fisheries

    The objective of this concerted action is to review current knowledge of fish behaviour and the stimuli to which they react. One aim of the review is to reveal where improvements might be made to current practice in fisheries. Question might be: is there an alternative to heavy ground gears that are thought to damage the sea bed perhaps using sound pulses, electric fields, laser beams or water jets? Why do not all fish small enough pass out through grids and square mesh windows built into codend extensions? It is widely recognized that there is a fund of knowledge about fish behaviour as well as the properties of physical and natural stimuli that is not made use of in applied fishing gear technology.
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    UK-EU seafood trade under WTO conditions: trade tariffs, non-tariff measures, and additional enforcement for exporters of selected shellfish species

    This note provides a summary of some of the trade changes shellfish exporters can expect to face when trading with the EU under WTO conditions. This note concerns the export of scallops, Nephrops, brown crab, and blue mussels.
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    Labour in UK seafood processing 2017 Annual Report

    Seafish conducted a survey of UK seafood processing companies in early 2017 to gather information about financial performance and the nationality of their workforce. The workforce nationality results are presented in this report