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    Assessment of the Potential for Manila Clam (Tapes philippinarum) Cultivation on the Scottish West Coast

    The manila clam although not indigenous to the British Isles has been accepted as a good substitute for the native clam (palourde). Trials have been carried out at Ardtoe into two methods of cultivation - intertidal beds and trays. The tray cultivation showed clear benefits. Growth to market size will be 3 to 4 years. The economics and importance of site selection are discussed. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Improved Selectivity in Towed Gears - Sea Trials to Evaluate Selectivity of Separator Trawls used to catch Mised White Fish Species

    The trials described were designed to evaluate the effectiveness and investigate the selectivity aspects of a separator trawl designed to separate cod and fleetfish from other demersal roundfish species. Using a twinning arrangement, two identifcal separator trawls were towed side by side. One net rigged with small mesh codends provided selectivity data when randomly compared against two test codends (100m & 140m). This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Summary Report on the Problems Faced by the Inshore Shrimp Industry in Complying with European Food Hygiene Legislation

    Inshore shrimping is a small, traditional industry now largely dependant on a Dutch export market for brown shrimp but with some local trade in brown and pink shrimp remaining. Uniquely the industry produces a cooked at sea product and it does this in rudimentary conditions often on small, old and poorly equipped vessels. Despite this the industry does not have a history of damaging public health. With increasing concern over food safety, particularly for pre-cooked foods, new hygiene legislation of European origin requires the upgrading of the majority of this industry, although those involved exclusively in small-scale trade within the UK direct to retailers or final consumers or only supplying raw material for further cooking are specifically exempted. Physical upgrading of equipment, rapid chilling after cooking and the use of clean water are required and a microbiological specification for the cooked product must be met. Seafish has been investigating the problems faced by the industry in meeting these requirements, together with possible upgrading solutions. This work had been levy funded. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Fishing Gear Handling Trials of a Twin Rig Trawling System using a 2 Warp Arrangement

    There has been considerable increase in the number of European fishermen adopting multi-rig trawling techniques over the past few years. Danish and Norwegian fishermen in particular have adopted twin-trawl systems, using a three warp arrangement to exploit Nephrops, shrimp and white fish fisheries. The three warp system requires the vessel to be equipped with a three barrel winch arrangement. A specification not normally found on standard trawl winches. Seafish decided to evaluate a twin-rig trawling system utilising a two warp arrangement that could be adopted by most fishing vessels equipped for normal bottom trawling operations. A rig was designed and made up and fitted aboard a 12m stern trawler fishing for Nephrops from the North East coast port of North Shields. The trials described in this report present an evaluation of the twin trawl system with regard to the handling of the rig. The trawls used in these trials were two identical nets designed by Seafish. The nets are the same ones as were used in previous trials to evaluate a double-rig system using the trhree warp arrangement. (1297 - Double Rig and Separator Trawl trials held in the Firth of Forth. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Conversion of Oil Rigs to Fish Reefs - A Concept into using Whole of Partial Oil/Gas Rig Installations as Artificial Reefs for Fish Aggregation

    Offshore oil rigs will start to be dismantled in the North Sea from the early 1990's. This will be a considerable expense and the oil companies are looking at alternatives uses. One possibility is to take the rigs down to a safe navigation level and use them as fish aggregating zones.
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    Comparison of results in Turbot R & D to November 1978, with previous performance forecasts 1975 & 1977.

    Early White Fish Authority experience of farming marine flatfish in sea cages was gained with plaice (1969 – 1973). From 1971 attention was increasingly turned to turbot, a species considered to be more attractive to farm commercially (Refs 1-3) and a number of small scale growth trials were performed with wild origin stock in order to obtain basic growth and husbandry data. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    The Results of a Water and Effluent Audit carried out at Youngs (Annan) Limited in October 1998

    In the near future new environmental legislation will add greatly to the cost and difficulty of disposing of waste water. This will present a significant problem to the fish industry. Seafish has commissioned a number of water audits in fish processing companies, looking at water use and effluent production with a view to reducing both. This report is concerned with the audit of Youngs (Annan) Ltd.
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    The Results of a Water and Effluent Study carried out at G W Latus Limited in September 1997

    In the near future new environmental legislation will add greatly to the cost and difficulty of disposing of waste water, which will present a significant problem to the fish industry. Seafish has commissioned a number of water audits in fish processing companies, to look at water usage and effluent production, with a view to minimising both. This report is concerned with the audit of G. W. Latus Limited.
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    Composition of Catches in Trawl Fisheries in Relation to Proposed EC Council Regulation SN4837/96

    This report describes the analysis of trawl catch composition data from discard studies and the separator trawl trials. The results are discussed in terms of proposed regulations concerning catch compotion for given mesh sizes. Possible influences of the regulations on fishermen's fishing and discarding practices are discussed.
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    Evaluation of Mesh Measurement Methodologies for Fisheries Inspection and Research (MESH) FAIR-CT96-1452_TASK 1

    In the first task of the project each partner has to review the mesh measurement procuedures used in his organisation. Seafish staff identified four types of gauges, the wedge gauge, the ICES gauges, the digimatic vernier gauge and the tape measure. The method of application of each method is described including the selection of meshes and force applied.
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    The Results of a Water and Effluent Study carried out at Richard Coulbeck Limited in August 1997

    In the near future new environmental legislation will add greatly to the cost and difficulty of disposing of waste water, which will present a significant problem to the fish industry. seafish has commissioned a number of water audits in fish processing companies, to look at water usage and effluent production, with a view to minimising both.
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    Factors influencing the choice of any coastal marine fish cultivation site and recommended survey programme

    Site evaluation is complex and lengthy and following an initial paper survey to reject those evidently untenable a detailed on-the-ground assessment is required. An indication of the more important parameters affecting site selection is give together with a survey programme lasting twelve months. This report has been produced from a scanned original produced in April 1975 and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.