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    Deepwater Fishing along the Continental Shelf - Seafish Seminar held at Banff - 15 November 1991

    Deep water species found along the Eastern Atlantic Continental Slope are now being marketed in France, the USA and Japan. They are known to British fishermen but there is as yet no commercial British fishery. This report reviews the current state of knowledge based on a seminar held at Banff in November 1991. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    ICES Area VIIf selectivity Trials. Single Boat Demersal Trawl MFV 'OUR OCEAN HARVESTER' (PZ403)

    These trials to measure the selectivity of a trawl in a multi species fishery when fitted with a square mesh panel were carried out on the trawl fishing grounds off North Devon and North Cornwall. The results show an indicative benefit in the use of the panel for round fish but it has been extremely difficult to achieve satisfactory statistical data due to the large number of variables. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Comparative Sea Trials of plastic stack-next and stack only fish boxes

    Although the wooden fish box is still commonly used in Scotland for handling fish both at sea and ashore there is a growing acceptance of an eventual change from wood to plastic boxes. Of the two types of plastic box available (stack-only and stick-nest) the stack-nest is considered a most suitable replacement and is already in use ashore but there have been reservations concerning it use at sea. From June to December of 1986, Seafish carried out a series of comparative trials on Scottish vessels to assess plastic boxes when used at sea. The boxes used were a new stack-nest design, produced to a Seafish specification as a replacement for the wooden box, and an existing plastic stack-only box of the same nominal capacity of 70 litres. The trials are described and discussed in this report This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Updated Handbook on the White fish Authority Cockle Dredge of 1968

    This report is an update of the WFA hydraulic lift cockle dredge handbook of 1968 which contains descriptions and specifications of the system, working instructions and fault diganoses. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Towing Requirements for a Pair Trawl (2 x 340hp Vessels)

    This report contains the performance data of a FMA Buckie Pair Trawl - BT 154, rigged with 2 bridles and rockhopper gear. It expresses the power requirements in terms of warp tensions and settings of net speed, warp length and vessel distance and defines the best settings for fuel consumption. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    UK Seafood Value Chain 2016

    Overview of the UK Seafood Value Chain performance in 2016. UK consumers purchased £6.1bn of seafood in 2016, -2.7% v 2015.
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    Fuel price impact on the seafood industry

    A Seafish presentation on economic modelling analysis on the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict on UK seafood sector, covering impact assessment of the fuel price on the fishing fleets and potential impacts on the processing sector.
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    Efficient Use of Energy in Fish Harvesting

    This meeting was convened by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for Canada (DFO) as a follow-up to the first meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to progress some of the ideas put forward earlier and to determine if it would be possible to develop sufficient international interest, in some of the proposed projects for a number of countries to sign up an implementing agreement under the auspices of the IEA.
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    Quality Audit of the Port of Ardglass

    This report presents the findings of a Quality Audit of the fishing port of Ardglass that examined the quality of raw material supplies to the port, standards of physical infrastructure, operating practices and management controls.
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    Flume Tank Testing of Six Otterboard Models

    This report describes the Flume Tank trials carried out by Seafish on six otterboard models for Phase 3 of the EEC funded otterboard project TE1-214. The project comprises 5 phases, of which phase 3 includes the final set of model tests.
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    Quality Audit of the Port of Eyemouth

    This report presents the findings of a Quality Audit of the fishing port of Eyemouth that examined the quality of raw material supplies to the port, standards of physical infrastructure, operating practices and management controls.
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    Proposed chill facilities for Whitby Fish Market

    This report summarises the findings of an investigation, commissioned by Scarborough Borough Council, into a proposal to insulate and refrigerate Whitby Fish Market Building. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.