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    Squid Jigging Trials Aboard M.T. Arctic Hunter (October 1976)

    The world's cephalopod molluscs are generally believed to form a major underexploited resource with a potential annual yield estimated by various authors, at between 2 and 500 million tonnes. At the present time exploitation is limited to a few of the coastal and offshore regions of the world, constituting about 10% by area of the world's oceans, where the catches are derived from benthic and neritic species and also from those species of oceanic squid which migrate inshore during part of their life cycle. Consequently, the remaining 90% of the ocean areas, while known to support large quantities of oceanic species of squid, remain unexploited.
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    Swimming and recessing behaviour of scallops seeded onto a range substrates

    The influence of substrate is established, alongside other factors such as water current. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Exploratory Fishing Trials for Nephrops norvegicus in the Sea Areas around St. Kilda

    This report presents the results in terms of fishing locations and catch composition of two exploratory voyages undertaken in September 1996 in order to assess the viability of trawling for Nephrops norvegicus in the waters around St. Kilda. Catch per effort of Nephrops was very low and it was concluded that the voyages could not be regarded as viable targeted Nephrops voyages. The results are discussed in the context of current fisheries legislation and known features of the Nephrops life cycle. It was suggested that Nephrops could be more available earlier in the year and that any future investigations should be carried out at intervals over the summer. There may also be benefit in investigation of the available information on hydrography, seabed type and Nephrops life cycle.
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    An Investigation into the Landings, Value and Storage Properties of Ungutted White Fish

    This paper summarises the work into one aspect or quality control at sea, namely the practices of gutting or not gutting. The investigation has considered previous research into the subject and carried out further research to support earlier findings and to close some of the gaps. It will be stressed throughout this work that of paramount importance in quality control at sea is the need to transfer the catch as speedily as possible into melting ice in order to reduce the temperature. All other considerations including gutting become of second order importance if this one action is taken properly. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Scallop Purification - Initial Trials at Ardtoe, September 1992

    Under new hygiene legislation there may be a requirement to purify farmed scallops grown in certain areas. In the absence of any previous experience within the UK a short trial was carried out to establish the possibility of purifying scallops and what further work would be required to develop operating criteria. Trials indicated that fundamental differences between scallops and other bivalve molluscs currently purified in the UK would make purification difficult to achieve. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Opportunities in the UK Crab Fisheries Resources - Process Technology - Markets - New Products

    The study covers the current and projected crab resource picture in the UK and the trends in new mechanical flesh recovery equipment. It also discusses the market opportunities and sets out the details of 9 novel crab products developed and tested under a contract with Youngs Sea Foods This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    A Business Study of the Fish Industry at Grimsby

    In 1981 the SFIA undertook a comprehensive study of the Fish Industry in Grimsby (Report M & D No. 470). As with all studies of this type, the circumstances change rapidly and any report must be subjected to review from time to time. Currently, the fish industries of both Hull and Grimsby are under study by a team of consultants who have the task of identifying projects which might be eligible for EEC funding. This study in turn is part of an integrated regional study of all the major industries on both sides of the River Humber which has the aim of assessing the long term development prospects for the Industry. The Report M & D 470 has been used as a source document by many organisations, including the two consulting firms, and in order to avoid any misleading information, the SFIA in response to a request from the Grimsby town Council, agreed to bring the Report up to date. This document, is therefore, based on the current state of the Grimsby fish Industry in February 1984. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    Development of the Bottom Culture Mussel Industry in the United Kingdom

    This report presents a business analysis of the current mussel industry, the marketing problems related to it and the possible market development undertaken in order to see an additional 4,000 tonnes of UK bottom culture mussels per year. Problems of marketing mussels are then considered, marketing strategy for new product development, market development are suggested. The advantages of selecting catering market as the target market are highlighted. There is also a review on customers' perception on product presentation. Two products - mussel pate and mussel pie are suggested as the two ideal end products of mussel. On the other hand, mussels competing power with other importers, mainly Dutch, must be improved in terms of pricing and quality.
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    Inland Wholesale Fish Markets - 1. Inland Market Survey

    This report is one of a series that forms the first stage in a Joint Study of the inland wholesale fish markets in Great Britain, undertaken by Sarah Maddock (Humberside College of Higher Education), John Tower (Seafish) and David Symes (University of Hull). Each report describes the situation at a single market (or, in the case of the Small Markets, a group of five markets). A Summary Report represents the information for all markets in a consolidated and comparable form and a Retail Survey report is being prepared from around 400 responses to a questionnaire distributed through the Sea Fish Standard. The initial purpose of these reports is to provide the basis for an informed discussion of the situation confronting the inland markets towards the end of the 1980s. We should, therefore, be very grateful to receive any comments, criticisms or suggestions from those who read any of the reports. A Final Report will be prepared after a further round of discussions with representatives from the inland markets has been completed. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Phase One Development Sutten Harbour Company - Fish market and Insra Structure

    Sutton Harbour Company plan to develop harbour facilities to improve landing and berthage of vessels and to create a modern service structure essential to the requirements of both local and visiting vessels and to primary processing and marketing of fish and shellfish. Existing facilities are inadequate, unreliable, antiquated, unhygienic and poorly sited. In essence the plan is to relocate the fish market, merchanting and service related activities to the eastern side of the harbour where better access and greater availability of space will allow for sensible development to the benefit of all sectors of the fish industry. Detail of existing port services, the local fleet, fish landings and resource opportunities is provided in Sea Fish Industry Authority Technical Report Number 320, September 1987. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    FMIG Presentation 2. Advances in fishing gear technology. 13 July 2022.

    Georgina Karlsson, Team Lead Sustainable Fisheries, Domestic Fisheries Reform, Defra talked about the Defra perspective on areas of priority in terms of advances in gear technology.
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    Final notes on Skates and Rays Group meeting 15 October 2014

    Final notes on the Skates and Rays group meeting held at Friends House on Wednesday 15 October 2013.