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    FMIG Presentation 2. Advances in fishing gear technology. 13 July 2022.

    Georgina Karlsson, Team Lead Sustainable Fisheries, Domestic Fisheries Reform, Defra talked about the Defra perspective on areas of priority in terms of advances in gear technology.
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    Crab and Lobster Management Group minutes - November 2022

    Meeting minutes for the 9th meeting of the Crab and Lobster Management Group (CMG) which took place on 7th November 2022 via Microsoft Teams.
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    Seafood social profile Vietnam January2020

    This profile is part of a series on the social risks associated with countries that are important to the UK seafood industry. It covers risks related to the production and processing of wild caught and farmed seafood.
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    FMIG Presentation 1. Fisheries Management Plans (FMPs).17 January 2023

    Jon Davies and Annabel Stockwin, Defra, spoke about the legislative context and the Joint Fisheries Statement/UK Fisheries Act 2020. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Barents and Norwegian Seas ecoregions; demersal stock trend 1992-2015 and ICES advice 2015

    This document summarises the trajectories of the main demersal stocks exploited in the Barents and Norwegian Seas Ecoregions over the past twenty five years based on the ICES advice from 2015 and other sources.
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    Crab and Lobster Management Group minutes - July 2022

    Meeting minutes for the 8th meeting of the Crab and Lobster Management Group (CMG) which took place on 11th July 2022 via Microsoft Teams.
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    UK Fleet Restructuring Model - Progress Report

    This report contains the progress achieved on MAFF project A.2.1 which requires the development of systems and software to provide techno-economic analyses of policies aimed at restructuring the UK fishing industry. It describes a proposed mathematical model of the fleet in terms of financial viability, the object of which is to simulate performance given specific policy scenarios, providing detail information with regard to the development of regional fleet sectors This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    Investigation on 'Maranatha II' (UL33)

    The vessel was delivered in 1989 and, since that time, has suffered a number of partial failures of the propulsion engine, a Caterpillar 3508, rated at 765hp at 1440 revs/min. The failures have taken the form of premature failure of inlet and exhaust valves. At or about the time of failure, excessive lub oil consumption has been noted.
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    Estuary Profile. Teign Estuary - Devon

    The Teign Estuary, which is situated on the south Devon coast, is long and narrow and opens into the English Channel at Teignmouth. Local fisheries are managed by the Devon Sea Fisheries Committee under their byelaw regulations. There is a regulated order area, allocated by MAFF to the Teign Musselmen's Society Ltd., covering a large part of the seabed, granting their exclusive rights to the mussels.
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    Fleet Structures Model - Biological Feedback

    The Fleet Structures Model* (FSM) is a predictive model under development by the Sea Fish Industry Authority. Its purpose is to simulate aspects of the structure and performance of the United Kingdom sea fishing fleet in order to make comparative assessments of fleet management policy scenarios. Because of the inherent complexity of the model it has been developed in separate sections. The first of these to reach completion as a stand-alone computer model is the Biological Feedback phase. This predicts the effects of catch levels on fish stocks, and the consequent effect on catch rates as stocks rise and fall. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Norfish: Iceland - A Special Case

    Both Iceland and Humberside have a mutual dependence on each other for a buoyant trade in fish and fish products. The report is based on an extensive study of the trade in recent years between the two fishing centres and a visit in October 1991 to SW Iceland to discuss future trading trends, especially in view of reduced trading barriers as a consequence of the Iceland joining the new EEZ. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Fresh Fish Supplies from Iceland

    Following concerns expressed on Humberside about the future trade with Iceland and the loss of quality experienced with container fish, a mission was made to Iceland on October 1991. This report examines future trading patterns and identifies several reasons for the quality loss. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.