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We found 132 results for "Seafood Consumption 2016 update" in Documents
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    Seafood Regulation Expert Group Minutes – July 2017

    Proposed Acrylamide Regulation; Code of Practice for Smoked Fish; Mercury; Regulating our Future; Results of Authenticity Surveys; Expert Group on Food Hygiene and Control of Food of Animal Origin; Primary Authority; Brexit; Workshop on Brexit at the PECH Committee; Markets Advisory Council; Fish Labelling and Traceability; Scottish Landings Target; Shellfish Review Consultations; Codex; Histamine; Regulatory Strategy; Importers Forum; Trade Facilitation Expert Panel; Thurd Countries Authorised to Export; Animal By Products; ID Marking Questionnaire; Anisakis
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 11 December 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including Better Training Safer Food Annual Report 2014; Increasing the maximum permissible mercury content of fish; Official controls - Live bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates and marine gastropods; Fair and quality fish on your plate: ALDE calls for a European Eco-label; "The EU fish market” 2015; "The EU fish market” 2015; Dutch flatfish fleet; Support for fishermen; Council Regulations suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties; New proposals to improve transparency and monitoring of EU fleet fishing internationally; Statement on the adoption of tariff quotas for certain imported fish and fish products; List of invasive alien species; “How to make fisheries controls in Europe uniform”
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 30 October 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including TTIP, Third Country Fishing, Sustainable Fishing Partnership Agreements (SFPAs), Official Controls, REFIT of General Food Law, European Parliament question on legislative requirements for the labelling of fishery and aquaculture products, European Commission Work Programme 2016, Parliamentary committee members
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    Literature Review of the effects of underwater sound vibration and electromagnetic fields on crustaceans

    This report reviews the impacts of underwater noise, vibration, and electro-magnetic fields generated by marine renewable energy devices on the behaviour, development and physiology of UK commercial crustacean species.
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    Understanding and responding to climate change in UK seafood (wild capture) - full report

    The report concerns UK seafood wild capture supply chains reliant on domestic and international production. It covers major impacts from key climate change drivers, from production to processing, and sets out major areas of adaptation action.
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    Fish Chips in Independent Fish and Chip Shops (2017)

    Independent fish and chip shops remain the largest (and growing) outlet for fish & chip meals, with 103 million servings in the year to September 2017; taking a 54% share of all fish and chip servings in GB foodservice
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    Seafish Annual Plan 2017-2018

    Our Annual Plan is taken from our 2015-18 Corporate Plan and details the programmes of work we will deliver in 2017/18 . The Plan sets out the costs associated with our work programmes as well as our Key Performance Indicators for the year.
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    UK Economic Fleet Estimates and Fleet Enquiry Tool - Methodology Report

    This report is intended as a support document to the UK Economic Fleet Estimates and Seafish Fleet Enquiry Tool in Tableau which contains data on the size, structure and economic performance of the UK catching sector.
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    Seafish summary of stakeholder activities to create a pathway to the landing obligation under CFP reform. December 2014

    Seafish summary of key players and stakeholder activities to create a pathway to the landing obligation. Covers the devolved administrations, the Regional Advisory Councils, Producer Organisations, Fishermen's Organisations, Scientific bodies, selectivity and data colleciton trials, regional projects, EU Commission and Seafish.
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    Final ACIG minutes 14 April 2016

    Final minutes of the Aquaculture Common Issues Group meeting held in London on 14 April 2016.