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We found 27 results for "specifications for the purchase of fish revised 03" in Documents

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    Specifications for the purchase of fish

    The prime benefit of using written specifications is that a business can clearly describe its requirements in a manner that avoids ambiguity and aids comprehension. A second benefit is that a valid contract can be formed between purchaser and supplier in which there is documentary evidence of intent in the event of a dispute. The objective of this publication is to provide businesses, which trade in fish with a broad selection of purchase specifications, encompassing all the main types of fish products. It is intended that each specification is comprehensive and appropriate for use as the basis of a contract.
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    Ecological Risk Assessment of the effects of fishing for South West fisheries; ICES Divisions VII e,f,g & h; Supporting information. Publication Reference Number SR672

    This document provides supporting information for an assessment of the ecological effects of commercial fishing in waters off Southwest England (ICES Divisions VII e,f,g & h).
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    Fish content and QUID

    The fish content of fishery products is important to manage and monitor given that food manufactureres have legal obligations relating to the quantities of ingredients use din the manufacture or preparation of food. This factsheet provides an overview of fish content including; fish composition, testing analytical fish content, calculating analytical fish content, nitrogen factor, analytical indicators of low fish content products and QUID. It also provides practical advice to seafood buyers.
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    UK Seafood Industry Guide - Preparing your business for the end of the UK's Transition Period

    Guidance on preparing your business for the end of the UK's Transition Period.
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    Biofuels: An investigation into the use of Pure Plant Oil as a replacement for Marine Diesel

    The use of pure plant oil (PPO), also known as vegetable oil, as a diesel fuelextender or as a total fuel substitute is known. The concept gained popularity during the fuel crisis in the 1970’s although engine technology at this time was relatively basic. The concept today has two primary drivers for land transportation: cost reduction and environmental footprint. The use of recovered and suitably processed used cooking oil (UCO) can offer further substantial atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) mitigation together with a reduction in other regulated exhaust pollutants, such as sulphur dioxide, as well as additional cost savings compared to virgin PPO,.Regenatec has developed technology which retro-fits to diesel engines and allows them to be fuelled by diesel or PPO or UCO. This technology is found in products being sold to owners of land based vehicles, both commercial and domestic. Initial trial work performed by Regenatec on land based vehicles has shown promising results. This project investigated the use of PPO in a trawler, the Jubilee Quest, based in Grimsby, UK, operated on PPO during the Autumn of 2006. The aim of this trial was a technical investigation of the technology and PPO: it was not designed to be a commercial deployment. The use of PPO (and even UCO) is currently commercial unviable in UK marine applications due to the economies of scale enjoyed by the petrochemical industry. (The use of PPO and UCO is only viable for land based vehicles because of a duty rebate currently enjoyed by bio-fuels.) As biofuels start to scale and when the environmental costs of fossil fuels are fully reflected in the cost of the product, it is anticipated that biofuels will become economically viable. As a key part of this project, Regenatec developed their technology into a system to be used at sea by a trawler. Their dual tank system is under electronic control to automate the use of PPO in a diesel engine. This has significant advantages over existing, less sophisticated technology. The engine is started on conventional marine diesel (or biodiesel) and then automatically switches over to the lower cost, more environmentally friendly PPO. The automation greatly improves the ease of use for unskilled operators and removes the potential for engine damage when compared to manual control. Additionally, Regenatec is heavily involved in fuel additive work investigating what fuel additives commonly used to enhance the technical and environmental performance of mineral diesel are applicable to PPO and UCO. This work is being undertaken under Confidentiality Agreement in conjunction with a leading mainstream additive manufacturer. An ‘additive pack’ was not fully developed and therefore not available for field deployment during this project. However, lab work and land based field trials in this area have provided encouraging feedback.
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    Aquaculture in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: An Analysis of the Economic Contribution and Value of the Major Sub-Sectors and the Most Important Farmed Species

    A report which analyses the economic contribution and value of the major aquaculture sub-sectors, and the most important farmed species in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
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    Responsible Fishing Scheme Version 2 - Terms of Reference

    The Responsible Fishing Scheme (RFS) Version 2 Terms of Reference is a document which outlines the objectives, structure and scope for the new version of the RFS. Created through collaboration between Seafish and Global Seafood Assurances (GSA), the Terms of Reference (ToR) provides an overview of the RFS V2 standard development process, including a summary of the feedback received from extensive consultation involving a wide range of UK seafood sector and international stakeholders.
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    The UK seafood industry - sustainability and profitability - Seafish Annual Report & Accounts 2005/06

    The 2005/06 operational year at Seafish was marked by balancing delivery with planning for the future. We delivered a significant number of projects in support of our industry whilst undertaking a detailed Board and Management review of industry needs and the competencies required of Seafish as an organisation to deliver solutions.
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    Handling and Holding Practices in the Production of Fresh Fish & Their Effect on Quality

    This report is the result of a study, sponsored within the 1982/83 MAFF research commission, of commercial practices of handling and holding fresh fish destined for human consumption, and the effect of those practices on quality.
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    Fishermen's Environmental Monitoring Pilot - Exploring the Role of Fishermen in MPA and Environmental Monitoring

    The evidence and data requirements for the designation and subsequent monitoring of MPAs place significant logistical and economic burden for official bodies. This report demonstrates how the fishing industry can play an integral role in marine monitoring and evidence collection using underwater video surveys as a model. Collaborative surveys are shown to have mutual benefits in terms of cost and efficiency savings, knowledge transfer and relationship building.
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    An investigation into the information requirements of businesses sourcing sustainable seafood

    The results of a survey of personnel responsible for sourcing seafood in the processing, retailing and restaurant sectors will be used in the development of the Seafish responsible sourcing guides.
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    the Market Potential for Marine Finfish Species from British and Irish Aquaculture

    Aquaculture is already playing a major part in supplying seafood into the European market - some 420,000 tonnes per annum out of a fleet landing total of c.6,700,000 tonnes, or 6-7% of the total by weight. If all the member states of the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers are included, the tonnage rises to some 1,000,000 tonnes per annum, with a total value of £1,984 million in 1999 - compared, for example, with a combined total first sale value of fisheries landings of some $452 million in the UK and Ireland.