Documents | Seafish

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We found 233 results for "responsible sourcing guides" in Documents
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    Seafish Annual Plan 2016-2017

    Our Annual Plan is taken from our 2015-18 Corporate Plan and details the programmes of work we will deliver in 2016/17 . The Plan sets out the costs associated with our work programmes as well as our Key Performance Indicators for the year.
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    Basic Fishing Methods

    A comprehensive guide to commercial fishing methods. This publication contains illustrations and descriptions of commonly used fishing methods, gears and rigs.
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    An assessment of ethical issues impacting on the UK seafood supply chain: Strategic report

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK. This strategic report is one of the key outputs. This includes a discussion of the issues and challenges in applying ethical concepts, particularly those set out in international standards on human and labour rights, to the seafood industry; an overview of the main issues for risk assessment, by country and region, by forms of employment, and to some extent by species; and the remedies and responses, drawing on the recent experience from Thailand.
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    Hong Kong Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in Hong Kong.
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    Final CLG minutes for 3 July 2013

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held at Billingsgate on Wednesday 3 July 2013.
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    Final ACIG minutes 25 September 2012

    Final minutes of the Aquaculture Common Issues Group meeting held in London on 25 September 2012.
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    Seafish guidance on modern slavery statements for the seafood industry. March 2016.

    To help the seafood industry better understand the reporting requirements Seafish ran a workshop on 10 March 2016 to help seafood companies understand the wording of the legislation, but also the practical steps which companies in the seafood sector should take to consider the appropriate levels of risk assessment, and action, that they should put in place to address potential modern slavery issues, both in their supply chain and their direct operations. This guidance note has been produced to provide more specific information about how companies in the seafood sector might think about the content of their statement.
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    Seafish Corporate Plan 2015-2018

    The new Seafish Corporate Plan for 2015-18 sets out our mission, vision and values for the next three years. The Plan includes the new High Level Objectives and strategic outcomes for Seafish, along with more detailed information about the Seafish work programmes which support them. The Plan has been developed in partnership with industry and key stakeholders and will be our key tool in communicating our delivery promise during 2015-2018.
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    Ecological Risk Assessment of the effects of fishing for South West fisheries; ICES Divisions VII e,f,g & h

    This report describes an assessment of the ecological effects of commercial fishing in waters off Southwest England (ICES Divisions VII e,f,g & h).
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    FS51-08.10 October 2011 Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning

    Bivalve molluscs are one of the only foods normally delivered to the consumer alive. This, and the fact that bivalve molluscs can selectively retain contaminants that are harmful to human health, means controls are in place to mitigate against potential contamination. A good understanding of the controls and how the animals respond to various handling regimes can lead to safer seafood being delivered to market. To ensure best practice guidelines are followed Seafish has produced a series of industry guidance notes for fishers and shellfish farmers. This fact sheet on Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP) covers: what is ASP, the symptoms, algal toxins, the legislative framework, controls in place, how the samples are tested, what harvesters should be doing and sources of further information. Revised October 2011.
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    Seafish briefing on labour issues in Thailand's warm water prawn supply chain. December 2014.

    The Thai government has long faced criticism for its failure to curb labour and human rights abuses occurring in the country, however attention came to a head in June 2014 with the publication of a series of articles and videos in the Guardian newspaper containing allegations of human trafficking and slave labour in the Thai seafood industry. At the same time the US State Department downgraded Thailand to a Tier 3 ranking on its 2014 Trafficking in Persons report. Tier 3 status indicates insufficient improvement of ongoing human trafficking problems in a number of Thailand’s industries, including its seafood industry. The TIP Report highlights the existence of forced labour, human trafficking, and other abuses on Thai vessels that harvest wild fish for Thai shrimp feed, and the Guardian articles have connected those supply chains to leading producers and retailers. The UK seafood industry is taking this issue very seriously and there are moves to ensure that each link in the supply chain is not implicated in any form of labour abuse. Whilst there is a fundamental need to improve the situation this document highlights the positive movement for change that is underway.
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    Final notes on Skates and Rays Group meeting 15 October 2014

    Final notes on the Skates and Rays group meeting held at Friends House on Wednesday 15 October 2013.